31 years and not a single game that managed to get it right

>31 years and not a single game that managed to get it right.


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All this time and people still call it Dragon Ball See instead of Dragon Ball Z

What about FighterZ

I thought kakarot was meant to be good (I am poor and so have not played it)

What about it?

For the last time:
>2D Fighter
Infinite World
>Traditional 2D Fighter
FighterZ or Hyper Dimension
>3D DBZ Simulator
>Single Player
Legacy of Goku or Attack of the Saiyans

>All this time and people still call it Dragon Ball See
Where do you live where that happens?

Save your poorbucks it was shit. How they made a battle system worse than Xenoverse is beyond me.

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They've gotten it right. But retards tend to ignore the times they gotten it right so they have something to complain about.

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they did get it right, you just didn't know

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Here's the problem, to get DBZ fighting right it has to be fast as fuck, but since it would be too fast to control devs have to resort to "Press X to awesome" gameplay.

The English dub calls it Dragon Ball See

Are we watching the same dub user or have you been coming across bootlegs?

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We used to play this way back in the day at LAN parties. Good times.

Legendary Super Warriors was pretty nice and the sprite animations were cool but the abysmal official translation and turn-based card game genre probably snuffed its potential popularity. As well as being a late Game Boy Color game.

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Man, box art in those days was so amazing

why are spics still so attached and autistic when it comes to this franchise
compared to most other shounen this one aged really badly

it's just dumb yuropoor retard that thinks "z" is pronounced "zed." he's hearing "see," but is actually hearing "zee." i hope that clears thing sup

Japanese box art has Kid Buu on it as well in the background, but the US version cropped him out because the dub was still only around Fat Buu at the time it released.

Tenkaichi 3
Budokai 3
Hyper Dimension
Legacy of Goku 2
Attack of the Saiyans
Infinite World
Xenoverse 2

You are a nigger.

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You zoomer fags will never know

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Damn, that's one of my earliest memories

It's pronounced "Duragon Boru Zetto" in Japanese with a hard Z

It aged, what shonen do you think aged better?

>choose to melee attack but guess wrong
>character just flies to an empty space and punches the air for a while

They did. It's called Arcana Heart.

>Forget about this around 2014
>Remember it again a few weeks ago
>Final still hasn't fucking come out

At this point commit or abandon it

BT trilogy got it right. Just that.

Budokai Tenkaichi 3, and I don't even like Dragon Ball.

>Yas Forums shilled Kakarot before and during it's release
>Could easily tell it's a cashgrab and you shouldn't buy it because it'll tell companies that you're okay with them half assing games
fucking niggers don't even play it anymore.

There's just no way of directly translating the iconic flying/zweeing/1000-hand-punch combat of DBZ into satisfying and coherent gameplay.
FighterZ is as close as you'll ever get.

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I thought tenkachi Budokai 3 was pretty cool

>Mates come over to study for a final
>Study a bit, take a break
>Start playing on the Wii
>Rest of the day is spent screaming like retards while mimicking the different attack animations
>All of us fail
Zero regrets then and zero regrets now.

I’m not european, there’s only one pronunciation for Z and in Japanese it’s called ドラゴンボールゼットnice shitposting though

you weeaboo newfags are more cancer than reddit because you think you belong here

I remember playing this with buddies ages ago. I was just charging my final flash for ages while they were busy and when I released it the effect just covered the entire map. Not sure if the attack is meant to be like that or of they fucked with the mod

>FighterZ is as close as you'll ever get
Its not.

Shin Budokai Another Road was peak DBZ.

Been here since 2006, stop shitposting

Same reason we can't get a good Superman game


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I can confirm because I am moot and I keep track of all the oldfags.

Kakarot should've been OG Dragon Ball.

wow I'm a dragonball sub purist and even I think this you are fucking retarded.

There’s only one way of saying Z

based retarduru kun

best dragon ball z game was budokai 2

>canadian pronunciation is zed
>still called it by it’s American pronunciation cause it sounded cooler

my man, as a kid some of my best memories gaming was tournament mode with a bunch of my cousins who all loved Dragon Ball

You mean English pronunciation is Zed

I just dont get how they can keep releasing games with the exact same story for years. How tired must the VAs be spouting the same shit all the time.


Attack of the Saiyans sequel never.