This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you'd like

>This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you'd like...

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you've got to be super aggressive, and don't try and block just dodge all of the attacks, when lothric does the homing souls mass spell circle him to stop the some from coming at you as long as those souls mass are there he can't cast another spell


>you've got to be super aggressive
Horrible advice. You need to do 1 hit at most at a time, then just keep dodge rolling until you see another clear opening.

Dodge the teleport and then hit him.

In phase 2 never chug estus unless he has already thrown a spell great way for him to soul spear you


bullshit you can get a good 3 hits in sometimes 5 if your using a fast weapon and during some attacks if your in the right position you can hit him during

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>played the game for the first time in 2017
>unironically died almost 50 times to these faggots
>replayed the game once again now in 2020
>took me just 4 or 5 attempts
pretty much the same thing with all the bosses, maybe I actually got gud

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This boss is when the DS3 bosses actually start getting challenging IMO.

So it's just them, SoC and the DLC ones that put up a good fight.

>champion gundyr
>nameless king
>twin princess
>soul of cinder
>sister Freida
>twin demons
are all tough bosses

just summon somebody lmao

stop posting this

Dodge in and to the right or left of every attack in the game. Every fight in the game becomes a joke when you roll into attacks instead of away from them.

he's weak to ligthning
also try to be behind him and attack 2-3 times


Wish someone would make a DS3 mod where they just remove all the swamps

Yeah, forgot about Nameless but Champion is pretty trivial aside from the bullshit kick.

>le faceless epic boss

Ironically it's one of the few DS bosses that not only shows their face but also talks and taunts you.

>rise, dear brother...
>gets uncomfortably close to the mic

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so thats why the door to their chamber i so sturdy. i'd want a sturdy door too if i was fucking my brother

Just wait for

>Leave us be, Ashen One. Sweep all thought of us from thy mind, as thy kind always have

Then you'll miss these guys

cute foot

>tough boss
Maybe on higher NG+ levels. The dude was easier than Gwyn in DS1.

His problem is that he barely has any poise; just play aggressively and he crumples like a bitch.

Gwyn is just equip hornet ring and parry like 5 times, too ez.

Two Princes is a fight that's difficulty really depends on your build. It's especially hard as a caster, because their AI is programmed to go completely apeshit teleporting around every 1.5 seconds if you're farther away from them. You really have to hug their asses to prevent the teleport spam and camera-fucking.

Attached: twin princes.png (748x738, 979.43K)

One of only two good fights in the base game, the other being Soul of Cinder. It was really fun, getting into a rhythm of dodging his teleports. It wasn't difficult but it felt different in a good way.

fuck m*Dir

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lmao get filtered scrub, you will never be a spear of the church

That's where you're wrong, kiddo
Still a bullshit fight though.

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Darks Souls 3 pvp consists of two people spamming R1. one person, randomly, for mo discernible reason, will become stunlocked, while the other will randomly be able to keep swinging and win. i thought at first maybe it was the bigger weapon wins the trade but now i realize its apparently completely fucking random just like the rest of the pvp in this game.
Assuming the peer to peer isnt putting you a full second behind the host-making victory impossible-then its still a 1/10 chance you can actually finish someone before they chug. there is no reliable way to punish chugging so fights between equally skilled opponents always ends with who runs out of estus first since the only reliable way to actually finish is criticals or a stunlock chain, all of which are completely unreliable due to peer to peer connection.
meanwhile arena is the only good multiplayer because no chugging. also arena chads are way better players and are always honorable whereas gankers and world pvpers are also disrespecting each other like children

Lmao, must've taken you like 30 minutes. Should've just used Pestilent Mist at that point.

Anything beats actually fighting him with melee where you constantly have to deal with the fucked up camera and the boss being so fucking huge he takes up 9000% your FOV

Dark souls bosses literally have to be an example of how different people play.

Like everyone seems to get filtered by different bosses. Even in sekiro for example I've found Butterfly to be easy as hell but the hardest boss I ever encountered was Owl 2.

If you're not just shitposting, then look up hyper armor. E.g. a claymore with 42+ poise will allow to trade with almost everything that isn't an ultra greatsword, you won't get staggered during your attack animations.

But ofc, outspacing your opponent's attacks is more preferable to simply walking up and trading hits.