It's time to choose Yas Forums

It's time to choose Yas Forums

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Lol any day.

neither. mobas are shit

I pick you!



Dota was better but valve ruined it so neither.
Playing lol is the moba equivalent of playing candy crush.

the only good assfaggots.
too bad it died.

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Shit normie games loaded with russians hispanics and brazilians

I bet you incels can't even provide a single legitimate criticism towards the game itself LOL

It was LOL until they murdered Urgot and filled his bloated corpse with shotgun knees memes.

They are good games, objectively speaking. But it doesn't exclude the fact that they are shit normie games loaded with russians hispanics and brazilians.

Dota past patch 7.00 was ruined by icefraud trying to change the game completely
LoL is faggotshit since s3 because Riot can't balance shit.

>Tencent or an actual western dev


Dota before 2016, League now.

t. 3000 hours in Dota 2 spent mostly around 3.8k mmr, 1200 hours in LoL spent mostly in low plat

>t. "my 3x3 includes fallout new vegas, dark souls, and mgs2"

Every single Moba sucks the dicks of the worst RTS games ever made.

LoL's region-locked for a long time now, I haven't met anyone but native english speakers in years

How come when Yas Forums calls something "the only good moba" it's some shit literal-who moba by either a garbage india company or some AAA company trying to cash in when they were a fad and were in all likelihood broken as fuck

>dead game vs alive game
hmm hard choice

lol was fun when it was fresh but it's been a dumpster fire for almost 10 years.

Ah yes the thread has now reached the point where people who played one or two RTS as a kid and have never played a MOBA are pretending that MOBA gameplay is similar in any way besides the isometric camera/control scheme, except stupid and worse

Could at least compare it to ARPG PvP since that would actually make sense.

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Dota is literally perfect.

I swear it's the same people who expect me to believe that this cesspool of edgelord teenagers is akshually full of Quake 3 pros whenever another multiplayer fps comes up

How about You post You're favorite hero/champion and why do you like it so much?
i like Pugna because fuck towers, fuck right clicks and fuck your spells

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i think the fact that people who dicked around in rts wishing they were city-builders have such a hate-boner for a pvp micro-focused genre is one of the more interesting gaming culture anomalies

I almost responded to your post, calling other people children but then
>arpg pvp
imagine announcing youre a nugen underage

It's literally casual faggots who can't get gud. These fags probably only played RTS campaigns by turtling and have never playing the multiplayer.

my only problem with MOBAs, especially LoL, is that once you start a match you have to commit to it otherwise you might get penalized but most of the time stuff can happen and it might be over at 5-10 minutes of the match and you just have to sit there and take it until you can surrender or worse if you get a teammate that purposely votes no just to spite everyone else, i don't think you can even just abandon the match without getting penalized, you have to keep playing

it's a game that i spend most of the time being angry at it instead of having fun, i don't know why people say "lol just play for fun" i don't find spending 30-60 minutes of my life just to lose in the end for shit that's not even my fault "fun"

i don't even care about balance, i don't think i've ever ran into a situation where i said "wow this champion is broken" in the 5 years i played

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I didn't call other people children, I said they only played RTS as children, and never seriously. It is never someone grinding ICCUP on Starcraft who's bitching about MOBAs on Yas Forums. It's some fat fuck who'd just base-build on Age of Empires while blasting his shitty music.