Classic Monster hunter thread

What are you playing lads

I just made thw W. wroggi armor since I reached the Grank in 3U

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Play monster hunter world. It's better in every way

factually wrong, it doesn't have cat lolis

Always wanted to try out the older games, and I was considering getting GU. But I hear it's just a spin-off game repeated content from all the older games, as fanservice. Is this true? Should I just yarrharr the other games?

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I want to _hug them so hard

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That's stupid.
GU has all the monster of the third and fourth generation on top of added new ones, it's great.
And the "final" boss is absolutely amazing.

Currently playing GU. Farming ED for some armor and also learning on how to use Valor LS and CB since I main aerial Hammer.

I just beat the final G-Rank boss, Ahkat-ki, and my HR shot up to 98. Gonna move on to MHW now. Overall it was a fun game, but I can't help feeling like many hours were wasted. Apparently the norm is to go online and get carried to HR 13+? Maybe this is a series where you're better off doing your own thing, and not worrying about the "meta" or whatever.
GU is a great option. If you really want to p*rate, the PSP games are probably your best bet considering the emulation quality of that platform. GU is like a "greatest hits" pulling content from the last few games, but it's very accessible and has various QoL updates compared to older games.

Thanks anons.

Catlolis in microbikinis!
Being super cute

The people trying to downplay GU because it's a spinoff are idiots. If you were to remove every game in the franchise on the basis of being officially labeled a spinoff you'd only have 1, dos, tri, 4, world, and IB as mainline titles.

I’ve already put 500 hours into World. I’m burned out. This thread isn’t about that game. Please stay on topic.

But to answer your question OP, I’ve been beating a bunch of the Dreadqueen Rathian hunts in MHGU trying to get her armor pigment. Only other one I have so far is Stonefist

Prove it

Then play iceborne next. Older monhun isn't worth your time

All the games people recommend that GU borrows from(FU, 3U, 4U) are also spinoffs.

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Been working on Village quests in GU since I'm away from reliable internet. Might solo Ahtal-Ka later.

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No thanks, when I said World I meant Iceborne as well. I’ve done literally everything I can do in that game. I know every monsters move, weakness, and location. It’s not fun anymore. I’ll check back in when Alatreon drops

Then just play another game other than older monhun. It's not hard. Play that new final fantasy game

Replaying stories and hoping its gets a sequel

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I don’t have a PS4. I think I’ll just keep playing older monster hunter games user. Graphics don’t mean that much to me.

I remember playing this a few years ago. I think I still have it. Didn’t the west get shafted out of a lot of update content?

What's with this classic MH hateboner?

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user play literally anything else. There are millions of games

GU is the best monster hunter game if you want lots of content, because it just has way too many things to hunt.

It's not really the best MH game though because it has some design flaws (Not that any of the games are perfect mind you). The quest structure is pretty janky (The start of the game in particular is pretty slow with a lot of filler quests, probably meant to serve as a tutorial), the equipment system is kinda fucked up and the styles are a mixed bag, but it's a great game if you just want sheer raw MH content.

If you want a better polished game, Portable 3rd is very polished, although a bit on the short side and a bit easy, but it can be a great introduction to "Classic" monster hunter. 4 Ultimate is probably my favorite game because it has a lot of content and in my opinion has the best overall gameplay and weapon moveset design.

I know Rajang, kushala, teostra weren't available for the west. Not sure if there was any more.

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List three games

Guaranteed replies from actual fans seething
That’s fucking stupid. Makes me not wanna play it

Also just to add to this, Portable 3rd emulation is very easy to set up and works amazingly, so if you're into emulation definitely check it out.
Generations Ultimate on the 3DS can also be emulated, although it's a bit trickier to set up and it has some flaws (Ex. Big slow down against two monsters in particular unless if you're playing in 240p or if you have a super computer). I haven't tried it but I heard 4U emulation works properly now due to a cheat that disables 3D making it run way better, so it might be worth looking into.

Still enough there to have fun with

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>that training montage

Alright this is kino