Why was natsuki such a brat

why was natsuki such a brat

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because her pedophile father was starving her so she could look more cute

typical tsundere
hard exterior to cope with the outside world

She is the only one not insane in that game.

Why was Natsuki so sexy?

brat means weak to anal

typical tactic for attracting alpha males

She was the only mentally stable character
Best girl

Frustration of not being taken seriously on top of her fear of losing her one safe place set apart from her abusive father.

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Don't talk to my wife like that.

She is the "tsundere" character trope.

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Is the studio working on something else? It's almost 3 years since they released this and then silence.

>no route

Is this game actually trying to parody and critique VNs? Because it doesn't do a very good job. But it is a good experience

>Is this game actually trying to parody and critique VNs?
It just disguises itself as a normal VN and uses the typical most known heroines (tsundere, childhood friend, the reclusive shy one, and the club president one)

Kinda like brap



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I’m not watching this shit again because last time it was stuck in my head for hours

Why is your image for ants?

It's literally Dan Salvato with help on the art and music. He teased a new project and a continuation of Doki Doki last year, but there have been no updates. He was supposed to appear at Momocon next month, I assume he would've made an announcement then, but it got canceled due to kung flu. If nothing else, this quarantine has given him nothing but time to work on his projects. No con visits to distract him, he literally can't do anything else. Granted, without being able to get income through selling shit at conventions, he may have to get a job.





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Why does she randomly an hero at the end of Exit Music

I liked doki doki forever

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It tries, with Monika telling you absolute normalfag-tier fluff at the end and mocking common VN tropes, but the funniest thing is the lol deconstruction part flew over the head of 99% of the fans of the game, that like it precisely for the parts that Salvato put there just to ""deconstruct"".

So after 3 years, he say he worked on stuff and haven't released anything new? Gotcha

Did someone say Natsuki?

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He's still riding the wave. I mean hell, this shit has merch, people want autographs and pics. He's making money just from going to nerd conventions and indulging fans. If I had to guess he probably has writers block. You create a hit once and the follow ups are never as good.

Kinda sad desu since it sounds like he's a one-trick-pony or something like that.

Play the Purist mod, it takes place after the main game except now each route involves helping the Doki's with their issues like its Quantum Leap but with waifus.
The bad end for Yuri fucking hurt.

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Daisuki Natsuki!

Why is it still not on switch

Because it'll have to cut stuff that will make it kinda meh

Are there any game centered around high school suicide on Switch? Plus the part where you delete Monika wouldn’t work


I take it back, it's probably depression.
>posted 3 months before shit hit the fan
Least he's got AC to keep him happy.

Katawa is better

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No thank you, that's fanfiction.

>new DDLC content
>not a sequel

Wow it’s fucking nothing

i just can't into fanfiction, it doesn't matter if it's good

i mean, i might as well write my own headcannon

That's kinda sad. So those past years just rode the wave as you said and just doing nothing apparently.

This is better desu senpai.

I was gonna play this until I found out there's sex scenes in it. I looked for other VNs but they all have sex scenes wtf.

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Assuming you are not memeing for yous... why are you such a faggot?

What’s the big deal with sex scenes? There’s not even that many

Why is Archer from FSN hugging Monika?

My guess is it could be a follow up to monika.chr, redoing the game, but adding a backdoor to allow you to save the characters.

Not him but what kind of sicko wants to watch high-schoolers have sex? What's wrong with you freaks.

I am an antisexual.

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They are 18. Sounds like fair game to me

You can turn the sex scenes off btw

this, why wouldn't you go out and have sex with middleschoolers yourself instead

Reminder Natsuki's dad didn't exist
Any fanfic or mod that tries to have you save her from the "dad" is completely stupid

I hated how enjoyable this one is.
I like this one a lot. Doki Doki fanbase has made some surprisingly good stuff.

>reddit tourists

Fuck off Exit Music was kino except for the dumb ending
Teach me your ways sensei

Damn that's some high quality MMD.

Who are you quoting?

You memeposters whit your idiotic "lol look how stupid I am!" ebin trolling are the reason why Yas Forums is the absolute shithole it is.

*an incel