best time to buy right now!
You guys bought a gaming laptop with your $1200 stimulus checks right?
>gaming laptops
>not upgrading to a 7 3800 and 2080ti
No. Gaming laptops are a waste of money. I've never had the need to play high-end video games on the move either. The market for them seems to be entirely retarded college kids with loan money to blow.
>stimulus check
they're supposed to be for economic relief, user, for people like me that lost their job and need to pay rent
>a bloo bloo bloo
should have studied harder in school lmao
Where you living paycheck by paycheck?
Buy a 1200$ gpu and a 400$ cpu with 1200$
No wonder why you illiterate cucks cant get a real job with an average salary
>he doesnt game on his gf house
>he doesnt have a gf
>hes still a virgin fatso desktop pc cuck
Yes, I bought the new Macbook Air by Appleā¢ of course.
a fucking lenovo
i was gonna buy one but then i remembered how my last one only lasted 3 years.
We get don't leave the house and flip burgers. No need to be so salty
If they bought one from a US company, they did help provide economic relief, now that company can pay people. It's for paying bills if you have to, and keeping the economy moving by buying stuff if you don't.
what's with all the gaming laptop threads
>has a job
>still need to pay rent
>play vidya all day on LAPTOP
>still has a job
>bought a flat and paid up fully with videogame play money
Why would you waste $1200 on a fucking gaming laptop? You could a PC twice as powerful as a similarly priced laptop with that money for fuck's sake.
>you guys bought a gaming laptop
No, I am not mentally retarded.
>buy from us company
>us company bought from china
>china always win
I got sick of gaming laptops. Once I no longer had anywhere to bring it to it became just a way to spend a small fortune not be able to upgrade anything. Now I have a desktop in a case that's easy to move if I have to.
I'm getting the latest mid range iPad to hang on the wall as a remote that controls all the lights and other smart shit around the house and save the rest.
What about this?
>need to buy a monitor
>need to buy mouse and keyboard
>need to have energy with the blackouts we are going to have in a few months because the economy is going to collapse again
Kek dumb fuck
>implying you immidately spending your stimulus on toys doesn't show how you're living paycheck to paycheck
Awful lot of projecting there, my dude.
Just get an used air2 from ebay i paid 100$ for a 64gb one and 30$ for a wall rack
Have fun getting kicked out of your home at the end of all this. Meanwhile all four people in my house are essential and each get their Trump bucks.
Duh only poorfags live paycheck to paycheck
Why is that, its not like I was expecting the money to depend on it to keep living comfortably.
You either get a gaming PC or a laptop. Not something that's terrible at both of those.
Only poorfags buy laptops with stimulus checks
Love sitting on the balcony w with my laptop and playing vidya.
>need to bring monitor
>need to bring peripherals
>need to unplug desk wires, monitor wires
>need to bring ups
>unplug laptop and carry
It shows you don't save money and that you don't have up to date specs
Instead of a gaming laptop, get yourself a prosumer laptop. Better built and, because the screens are small, there's no point in gaming at anything higher than 1080p.
I put mine in savings.
triple cope
triple cope
"gaming" laptops are a meme
I have a job but i dont pay income taxes hence the stimulus its just beer money you poorfag cuck
Going thru eBay listings right now and I can't seem to find anything close to the hell of a deal you got, ill keep my eyes open till Friday before I make my decision, ill probably get it from Apple's refurbished section.
Imagine wasting all that money with new consoles and cards around the corner.
In my case I go to grad school so having a laptop is a must. Investing in a gaming laptop is killing two birds with one stone for me.
Gonna save it and use it on the PS5 and new Xbox when they come out.
Why don't you pay income tax?