I'm a straight adult male and I just can't get over how adorably cute and wholesome all the animals in this game are

I'm a straight adult male and I just can't get over how adorably cute and wholesome all the animals in this game are.

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>plays animal crossing

The best part is when they sing.

It's so comfy to breed flowers

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I'm a straight, white, 5'6" male who is in a relationship with a straight, white 5'7" woman. And we both love ACNH

soulless commie block

>being shorter than your woman
Bet she earns more money than you too

I love playing this with my wife's son!


>adorably cute and wholesome animals in this game

you're not straight or a man

Im 5'2 and hate it challenges my masculinity

Do you not love your pets? Animal Crossing feels like having virtual pets that you can talk to. As someone who lives in an apartment that doesn't allow pets, this game sort of helps fill that void in my life.

Man, I have a Luffy cosplay myself and I just can't get the scar right.
Like yours I can't get it close enough to the eye to be accurate, but it's a bit better than yours that looks like it's on the cheek.

Bro... My grandma is taller than you...

what did he mean by this?

>perfectly straight rivers

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I'm not really seeing how either of the two things you mentioned are related, OP. Maybe you're a fucking retard.

le commie block has arrived

Ha, no. She earns $18k/year and I earn $45k/year. Height doesn't really matter. It's just you incels on here that think it does


Animal Crossing is now shit 100%. Bought it for nostalgia reasons then sold it. Everything has been 100% feminized.
Special events are only dresses, clothing is all feminine looking, character poses like a faggot, strong characters have been softened, no more competitions with winners only participation trophies, no more being mean to villagers as every action counts as a positive action (net beatings only allow two dialogue choices.....both apologetic, angry villagers are short term angry and sometimes the just reset to happy and won’t move out)

All tools break, can’t share your island properly, lots of bugs needing resets, events are now patched in and then out based on the week so must connect to online if you want to see them, alot of content has been removed like art collecting (probably cuz muh offensive), Isabelle is now a Karen and I want to take her to the wet markets in China, Isabelle is now fan service and you have to put up with her annoying rambling every day, music has been changed and most of it sucks and makes me reach for the mute button because there are ZERO options for this piece of shit.....I have to stop here but I could go on.....it is rehashed with nothing new (crafting is 20 tier one item at a time, can’t access full inventory bs) and most of all the enjoyable comfy content has been reworked into the “let’s not offend anyone” category while still appealing to literal faggots. FUCK YOU NINTENDO

I once knew a 5'11 model who had a fetish for short men. I think most tall women are like that honestly.

What happened to user getting rid of walker

Turnip price at my island is 105. Should I buy?

Do you guys try and get one of each villager personality? What do you do for the last 2? Are there "better" personalities?

I have 2 jocks and 1 of everything else right now, and I definitely only want 1 jock I think. There doesnt seem to be a lot of good sisterly or Peppy villagers that I want. I have apple right now but shes kinda meh.

I bet you're one of those giraffes who only go for shortstack women and then REEEE when her genetics cause your offspring to come out as Hobbits.

>character poses like a faggot
The only thing I can agree with is this. My guy character poses in.. strangely effeminate ways when trying on clothes

Sorry, I don't understand your primitive language

I redesigned and it looks a bit better now. Here it is if you want to try it

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hey boys, I’m an admitted nostalgiachad so I have a question for you. Can I make a big lake like in Animal Crossing GC? I like making my town like it used to be while embracing the new systems

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Does anyone want Carrie? She's leaving my island.
Also, do villagers just decide to leave randomly? Not sure what I did to make Carrie dislike me :(

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maybe u'll understand this: u = NOT la creatividad...

I bet he is into /ss/

>hating neighbourhoods


They just leave. It’s not because they hate you, they just want a change

You can make virtually the entire island an ocean.

>commieblock for the villagers
>giant open space with 8 roads for the player
Landscaping and moveable structures was a mistake. Absolutely soulless fucking island.

>What is irrigation?

it's ironic that you think you are

No, there are some women who are actually so retarded that they'll be like 5'10" and want a man who's taller than them even when they wear 6 inch heels. It's best just to steer clear of anyone who cares a lot about height differences because it usually stems from weird insecurities, daddy issues, etc, and you don't want any part of that shit. Trust me.

you're the kind of player that stacks 20 wooden boxes ontop of one another for your terraria NPCs, aren't you

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I know this is bait, but anyone who believes the US didn't invent the soulless copy paste house meme are fucking retards.

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Does each villager have a preference of gifts? I know they all have birthdays

They're giving you shit for having your villager's houses organized instead of randomly spread around. If they're tightly packed together it does look kinda shitty but yours seems fine to me. The straight lines for rivers is kinda boring though.

You certainly can. Keep a lookout for barbed wire fence also. That's the same as the original GC dump. I spiced mine up with trashcans and boxes and shit too.

>It's best just to steer clear of anyone who cares a lot about height differences
t. height is literally my only hope

autism speaks

He's livin' the dream

Having one of each is a necessity since they didn't put much effort into their dialog. For the extra two, it'll be another smug and either jock or normal. I wish they had added another two personality types. Give us big bro and maybe shy.

I keep getting socks and stupid ass furniture for drops. I turn the game on, get all the drops and a couple balloons within an hour then turn it off until the next day because it's all stupid shit. Got a coffee mug today, should only take a month and a half before I can find the shit I need to make a decent looking cafe to go along with it. I'm just going to start fast forwarding fuck this game

this nigga is my first campsite visitor is he top tier
so far I have an ugly koala and an annoying rhino as my starters, and then a cool hamster, a red duck and blue dog
I want da egyptian cat

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as a female myself i will say height does matter

Post penis

Take a run at Good luck!

>he has themed areas on his island
Holy shit just play with Legos if you're such a child lmao

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Little boxes on the hilltop...

tits. now.

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as a female myself i will say that height doesn't matter

So I'm still on the hunt for a white military helmet, or a green one + backpack. I can pay in NMT, or do some crafting.

the duality of woman(male)

>he says while playing Animal Crossing

>height doesn't matter
Next you'll tell me IQ doesn't matter