He plays human races in MMOs

>he plays human races in MMOs

Explain yourself.

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My MMO doesn't have any other kind of race.

What if you're black?

Humans in WoW aren't even humans they came from some titan entities hence why they're so beefy

Human male warriors specifically. I try not to pretend to be something I'm not.

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My character is an extension of me and I want it to be as realistic as possible.

there's a game for you

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You're not a warrior in real life.

all the other races in XIV look gay as shit
>Au ra are edgy trannies
>Roeg's look big and stupid
>lalafell is to short to see armor aesthetics
>viera are for coomers
>mi'qotes are exclusively for women or homos who just wanna be humans with ears
>hrothgar are just barafag cats
>i'm not a homo who does mental gymnastics to trick himself into thinking he totally isn't a flaming fag for playing as a female variant of the races

XIV is the only game I have played human in because the other races are so terrible. Played just about all of the races in WoW excluding elfves because elves are fucking gay.

>as realistic as possible
you are playing videogames
theres nothing realistic about any of them

just zoom retard

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>Loads of new customisation options added in the alpha
>The Black and Chink hair nowhere to be seen

Like potery.

I love playing as a human, honestly.
Also, being a human and fucking other races is patrician and infinitely superior than the opposite.

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Is it free to play yet?

No, and it never will be. Even FFXI isn't f2p

muh sword skill

>ust wanna be humans with ears
Fuck you I want to have ears

Is it still worth playing? I stopped before all the xpacks came out

>he plays a male human
why do people do this? if i'm going to look at a character all day you bet it's going to be something that I like look at

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nothing wrong with being a gay boi as long you're cute

base game is absolute trash compared to any expansion

What's gay about having ears?

+5 to swords so i don't have to spend 5k on edgies :^)

theyre a keyboard warrior.

I play male human to show that im capable of fucking up monsters on my own without having to be a pointy eared leaf lover or dog fucker

Why would you want that? Going f2p means firing most of the dev team and giving up on ever making any kind of new meaningful content again.

>Human male in a world full of females of all races and shapes to conquer
Are you a potato or just gay?

I'm male elezen

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i have a small penis and like to bend over to superior races

found the tranny

that has to be a mod, doesnt it