Just finished it, wow, what a ride, I'm looking forward to the next game, it was pretty fun

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Other urls found in this thread:

great, shill. take your shekels and your (you)

>liking a game means you're a shill

I hate this board

I honestly cant wait for PC version
HD textures mods, Balance mods and music relocation mods
turning a 9/10 game into a 11/10

I'm gonna double dip too

Promoting a game without justifiable reasons makes you a shill. Worthless blurbs you would see in a 10/10 review from someone with 1 review and a username of b3422 is not worth an entirely new fucking thread, faggot.

Gonna pirate a definitive edition on pc. See you in 10 years.

So, I have to write an essay explaining why I like it?

Attached: 1587316619233.jpg (529x795, 99.95K)

If you want people to take you seriously you need to put serious effort into your fucking posts, retard. That's how this shit works.


-Amazing combat
-Gorgeous OST
-Incredible cast of characters

Happy now?

Attached: 1587316871262.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

No. That's not adequately explaining how you reached those supposed conclusions. That's just more 10/10 worthless metacritic statements. Of course people are going to call you a shill when that's what you think effort looks like. Go fuck yourself.

You're an autist

You wanted an explanation. You got one. Now you have no excuse to act confused.

I was generally positive but I'm butthurt that Cloud is able to fight Sephiroth on fairly equal footing despite still being completely fucked in the brain. He's supposed to be a phony copy of Zack at this point, he needs to have his big developments before he's ready to face the actual antagonist.

If they're going to do Kingdom Hearts timeline shit in the next game with Zack being alive in another timeline, having a Cloud that never became half-Zack as a character that needs to recover his mind some other way would be cool.

suck my cock retard

Why is Yas Forums so angry at being happy?

Attached: huh.jpg (395x416, 62.21K)

does the game not have hd textures?

all the sephiroth you have battled with are just projections and clones controlled by his main body just like in the og.

>make barrett and cloud both fully female
>give the entire squad the honeybee outfit.

By all means get excited for the next 1/4 of a game and paying $60 to play it.

>Cloud is able to fight Sephiroth on fairly equal footing despite still being completely fucked in the brain.

Cloud bodied Sephiroth years ago before even getting fused with mako and being a merc.

Because being negative is easier and people react to bad things more than good.
If you are an attention seeking asshole trasheap, more people will be interested in you and give you that attention you want.
Examples: tfue, DSP, ltg, dr disrespect and 90% of streamers. You'll see they hit the news more for doing bad things over more.

You really trying to backpedal that Sephiroth was just an equal to cloud? That’s stupid

>the next 1/4 of a game and paying $60 to play it.
I got 46 hours out of the main campaign.

>Just finished it, wow, what a ride, I'm looking forward to the next game, it was pretty fun

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Don't listen to that retard, Yas Forums's all about shitposting. They just don't want you to rain on their "let us shit on everything" parade. They WANT you to just lie down and take it as they defile everything sacred, always remember that.

Because Square has done nothing but disappoint me for the past decade and more

>Amazing combat
>Gorgeous OST
>Incredible cast of characters
The returning characters are incredible, yes. New characters are shit

No if anything it's the opposite, the people rabidly hating on the game mostly haven't played it. They're coping hard because the GOAT has made a return.

That was always just a gay shonen emotional super saiyan moment, doesn't count

In contrast, denouncing a game without justifiable reasons makes you a sheep. This is your opportunity to prove you aren't.

Did I denounce it?


Attached: 048a0d88add1.jpg (480x600, 35.35K)

No, but I was unaware you were a member of the Shill Police.

At least that's the only thing I can assume, because someone who takes time out of their day to write "great, shill. take your shekels and your (you)" in response to a simple post like this means you either have strange priorities or yer just a dick.

This will soon be canon
>FF7 Sequel - Part 2

Nomura you madman!

1. Remove Chapter 18 and the Whispers entirely, as well as Sephiroth’s early appearances. Move the Jenova fight from President Shinra’s office to the end of the motorway.

2. Remove Cait Sith from the cutscene when the plate falls, cut to average people looking up at it like the original. Cut most of Chapter 13 and merge it into 14. There are no slums to return to, they’ve been flattened.

3. Remove Leslie and the return to the Sewers from Chapter 14. Instead make Barret and Tifa's scenes at the beginning mandatory and spend the chapter exploring how the characters react to the plate falling in different ways, like Tifa’s guilt. Ultimately they channel their sadness and frustration into the assault on the Shinra building. Put Aeris’s scene at the end.

4. Marle dies, at the very least. And Wedge. Almost everybody from the slums. The plate falls and people die, don't pull punches. Do change Bigg’s and Jessie’s death scenes so you don’t watch them die. They’re just wounded and then the plate finishes the job.

5. Blood. Give Biggs bullet wounds. Sephiroth leaves a trail of bodies and blood, not purple Jenova goop. President Shinra bleeds.

6. Some general rewrites to make death scenes less cheesy, cut some of the flowery bullshit, etc. I’m sure we’d all have different preferences here.

I will now endorse your game.

>>Amazing combat
Al the complaints I see about the combat system is what makes it difficult and engaging, if you are complaining about the friendly ai or having to think about the possibility of your attacks missing then fuck off.

It already is. This same thing pretty much happened at the end of Remake. Everything except Sora, Donald, and Goofy being there.


Does Hard mode have different battle dialogue cause Barret and Cloud are bantering much more than I remember in mission 1?