Nioh 2

Fuck these guys

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Other urls found in this thread:

You could say that about practically every enemy

They ain't even hard though. Block the tongue, dodge the fists, slap the ass.

>these threads are easily the most neurotic and schizophrenic threads I've come across on site
In what way?

Onyudo are among the most dangerous user
Most of them are just annoying, but at least can't delete you with a LICC from afar

Niggers amirite

Attached: Father Nazi.jpg (1008x767, 64.61K)

They were way worse in the first game, IMO.

Ubume are even worse, they just exist to make you waste time

Now that you mention it they look like niggers

>Diablo loot instead of regular purchasable equipment + forging thought blacksmiths + unique weapons + boss weapons
>Individual, self contained levels instead of a single seamless, interconnected world
>No PvP
>Straightfoward narrative instead of allowing the player to put the pieces together
>Went from having four enemies the entire game to have... seven enemies
>Overcomplicated artificial gameplay was obfuscated even more

Nioh is the very definition of wasted potential

Nigger Monk is really a thing you have to watch out for

Nure Onna is cute.

Attached: Nioh 2_20200419173225.jpg (1920x1080, 230.88K)

>They creep up to their victims—primarily women—and suck the breath out of their mouths. They also slide their putrid tongues into the mouths, ears, and all over the faces of their victims.
Truly nigger behaviour

I don't have trouble with any other regular enemy in the game as much as with the fucking armless snakes. FUCK SNAKES.

She's smiling!

Attached: Onyudo IRL.gif (320x240, 3.93M)

That's a nice reaction pic

Thanks to the user who told me in the last thread that farming main missions for skills was better than farming side missions. Finally got Swirling Snow.

It's a pretty great anti-Revenant move, they just stand there as you drain their ki.

Imagine if someone slapped the back of his head while he's doing that
Based, enjoy the unga bunga

>and suck the breath out of their mouths. They also slide their putrid tongues into the mouths, ears, and all over the faces

Attached: b.jpg (341x487, 26.28K)

Ubume are my least favourite enemies, simply on the basis that it takes ages to kill them because they won't fucking hold still.

Cannon Yokai are up there though. They should be that lethal at close range when they already practically have automatic cannons.

pc release when?

cannon yoki can be countered with gust talisman and there arent that many of them in the game

For starters, there's some people here that are incredibly quick to lash out as if they've been personally hurt whenever someone points out flaws in the game. It's like those people who sperg out when they hear someone say that gay people spread AIDS and start screaming about wanting to see peer-reviewed research papers with citations that say that.
Then you've got the detectivefags that are convinced they know who all posters are IRL as if this were reddit.
As I said, I've stayed away from smash and final fantasy threads, so it's possible those are worse.

That's so fucking Kasha

Sounds like you understand what they do but aren't actually taking it onboard. Assume that they'll dodge after you hit them and focus on using attacks that will track them, aim to dodge out of attacks and chase them down instead of fighting them like everything else, then they become a lot more fun. As for cannon Yoki, there's way more tools to reflect ranged attacks now so they're even less of a problem. Still dislike Kusa Yoki though, they didn't change their moveset so much as just add some pauses in between attacks, which doesn't particularly help in the way it should.

her mouth just opening really wide is a lot more pleasant than Hino-Enma's actual face being the mouth

Get out of my thread if you're going to start with this please, I don't want anyone discussing again

Hino-Enma was just creepy

I love that page
Umi bozu is a fucking asshole according to it

You're wasted potential

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All I can say about those is that they're boring as hell
>Arrow to the baby
>Run up and grapple
>Throw a couple attacks to finish her off
I feel like it'll be more interesting (but also more frustrating) when I do a different build that isn't ninjutsu.

What new yokai should they add in the dlc?

I hate the snakes and I hate the long-neck faggots


They're going to add more monk yokai for sure


You can look it in here

>move benevolents for the first time in ages
>0 uses after several hours
Fuck. Dollface whats ur secret?

I tried asking about skills last thread but some nigger lost his shit because of the image I attached to my post and I never got my question answered

Attached: Tommy-Lee-Jones-Ed-Tom-Bell-No-Country-For-Old-Men.jpg (644x276, 43.3K)

I'm still pissed that they decided to recicle hino enma/nue's theme for jason momoa's fight but none of them came back, only onryoki

What's a Deize?

Nioh 1 sold the worst on PC while being one of the most pirated games of Q4 2017 / Q1 2018
It has a 70 score on metacritic and spent years with a "mixed" score on Steam, only improving recently (probably shills trying to get positive word of mouth for the sequel).
Add to that how the Soulsborne fanbase despised Nioh and a considerable part of sad fanbase are on PC.

Enjoy crushing their puny armor
I guess he doesn't put his grave in shitty places like in front of shrines or in the middle of hot springs

Who is your favourite/Least favourite boss, and hardest/eaiest boss?
>Least Favourite
Tranny mansion

Deize nuts lmao gottem

He must know some spot that we don't know that makes people summon him

WTF this site is actually in depth. And it's free to use. Thanks a ton user.

I just got all of Mataza's drops back to back and have been having a blast with tripple threat. I noticed the ki pulse mechanic triggered the stance boosts, so I use it primarilly on high stance. Made Piercing Rain water element for easy saturation on enemies and high stance TT get damage from CON.. The damage with just enemies saturated and no buffs is amazing. On med and low stance I made TT fire and lightning element and they apply the status most of the time with just one combo.

Not going to lie, it's the only syte that made me want to check that guy's patreon


>he wants even more shit to be rehashed
Nigga I'd get it if the game looked like a completely new, higher quality version of the first one but you can literally play the first one on the same damn system and see exactly what those fights would look like if they were imported into this game. You just can't use the two or three soul cores you like on those bosses, other than that there's literally no difference.

I got about 50 hours of playtime on the one I am currently using. I only put the jaspers in front of bosses, or in sub mission gauntlets.
I have only been summoned 3 times.