Post VIDYA references in music/films

"Nintendo and we in the end-zone
I don't give a fuck, hoe
Like we in the friend zone"
-Nicki Minaj

"And shout out to Ms. Sylvia Rhone we get along
But that boy advance gotta be bigger than Diddy Kong"

"One seven hot stepping like Tekken
I'mma be a main bitch in a game like Nina"
-Azealia Banks

"Kick it like Kazuya,
this game is how we maneuver"
-Childish Gambino

"Don't play no games with hoes I play Nintendo DS"
-Big Sean

"I play street fighter two I just really hate Zangief// only Ken and Ryu I find it hard to beat Blanka"
-Lupe Fiasco

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Is it safe to say she's the most popular villager now?

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What the fuck

Attached: 431.png (290x333, 105.93K)

I can't recall what show it was but i remember in one episode they were playing Sonic 06, i don't know if it was Black Mirror or Breaking Bad

Nope. Doomguy's puppy is #1.

Not a villager.

Attached: What was his endgame.webm (360x672, 1.56M)

>OP didn't post "Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis"

Faggot op.

Jesus, wtf is this unintelligible shit, why are niggers so goddamn cringe ?

"Baby I've been speaking my mind
Since Ocarina of Time
Dropped on Nintendo 64 but steadily on my grind"
Chris Webby

"Just a whole bunch of zombies like Call of Duty
How you toonin' when the world is loony"
The Siege

"The game I just about conquered it
Like Donkey Kong, I'm bonkers, bitch"

It's probably Marshall, Raymond or some other girlbait.


Ankha Thread?
Ankha thread

Attached: af.jpg (1000x4020, 340.66K)

This series loves to take titles from Queen songs

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Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis
When I was dead broke, man, I couldn't picture this

Flipping coke in corner store bodegas
In the back room playing Sega, Street Fighter II

Biggie Smalls

Pick one

And I'm assuming you only ever listen to classicly trained artists performing beathoven live in person?

>thinking nigs can't make music in current year on a anthropomorphic cat thread in this anime site

Attached: 35e.png (492x463, 441.51K)

"Tell your bitch, come here
like I work for Midway, nigga"

based as fuck.
I like Mahler. Jew or not the man could compose.

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based and better than 2pac

I'm convinced that anime that have Switches and Vitas and stuff are paid by Nintendo and Sony


It honestly looks very than most voxel games

Attached: Pixels_Voxel.png (600x600, 484.54K)

"Creeper! Aw man"

Lupe fiasco is the realest nigga I know
>name dropped lupin the third in a kanye song
>went up against daigo
>hates the jews

You're trying too hard to fit in

Attached: ankha clap.webm (462x374, 2.69M)


What's this jungle nigger music?

Attached: ankha.webm (412x468, 2.72M)

original is still better, desu.

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