Why does anyone play Mario Kart 8 when this exists?

Why does anyone play Mario Kart 8 when this exists?

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Because nobody cares about Crash
Also 30fps on consoles

MK8 is a better casual racer to hop into once in a while
CTR is too frontrun heavy otherwise
If you're willing to commit to the game and play it regularly then yeah CTR is the better option

the gameplay is still much better. carts are faster, physics have more impact, better graphics engine, and more responsive drifting

Waiting to see if they will do a PC release.

because crash is for literal autists

>Always online DRM
>Gacha that force you to grind forever
>Shitty collisions
>Broken physics
>Even worse AI
>Item balance is terrible
Maybe one day they'll care and fix it but until then I won't touch that game again

Mario has such a high amount of brand recognition its hard to get people to choose it over Mario Kart. And even after people have played both, most are casual players who rely entirely on the random items of MK to claim they have skill when they get crushed in CTR because they can't be bothered to literally git gud.

Wait 2 mins loading for a 30 second track

>more responsive drifting
>with 30fps
yeah sure lol

Mario kart is the more balanced and polished game.

This furry kart shit is deviant art level garbage.

there's a delay in mario kart's drifting even though it plays at 60fps

it was still a mistake to not have 60 fps on at least xbox one x

>imagine being surprased by a game which is on 30 fps
lmao bing bing wahoos on suicide watch

yeah I'm not sure why they did that. maybe they thought it would give one x players an advantage online

Just got the game on sale and Im at 55% adventure mode completion. A few options.

Game should have a tutorial and not just "hints". Things like how the drift system, works or how hopping can make you take turns faster should not be something a new player should miss.

CTR token challenges are kinda boring. I mostly just casually find the tokens and restart. A lot of times I can get them all on the first lap and just kinda race normally.

Game really likes to jam everyone into tiny fucking corridors. While this can be tense parts of the map when mixed with high collateral damage items it just kinda becomes a clusterfuck that you just got to take on the nose.

With no items like the blue shell I really feel like all you got to do in this get far enough ahead and not suck. At a certain point others cant even touch you.

Finally, why the fuck did they have to jew the hell out of the cosmetics? I'm literally half way through the story campaign and I can just NOW get a large bundle with one kart,character, and paint. Realistically how many people are going to paypig for this shit?

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but they dont think 65 inch 4k will give advantage over 900p? goes to show they know full well fps > resolution but keep pushing 4k now 8k memes

>there are people in this thread that think Mario Kart is better than Crash Team Racing

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Why not both?

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Mario is for white people whereas Crash is for blacks.

I think CTR is great and definitely does a lot of things better than competitors, but personally I would rather play Mario Kart, and even then I would play Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed over that

that fair tho, if you’re don’t spend hours on trials mode then the story will mostly be shit to you

based niggers always playing high skill games

As much as I love CTR, the online is fucking garbage. But it's okay because we got four reskins of this Tiny skin people like and Beenox wheels. Based, I hope they add more characters instead of having dedicated servers.

more like, why does anyone play Mario Kart 8 when this exists?

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I can’t guess if this post is sarcastic or not

>30fps console exclusive with microtransactions
yeah fuck off. mario kart might be shit, but that doesn't mean ctr is good.

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>With no items like the blue shell
warp orb is in and they fixed its speed so it actually catches up to first
>why the fuck did they have to jew the hell out of the cosmetics
play other modes to earn more coins
ring rally, online, etc.
if anything, now it's even easier and better to get coins because you don't have to deal with the stupid gp nitro gauge and challenges give coins
two races and you can get two characters

CTR is a better racing game with superior controls and physics but not everyone can pick it up and have fun. Plus the items are boring.
Mario Kart is much easier to play, is more polished, has a stronger brand, and is a better game for parties overall.
I love CTR but I'm not gonna dismiss the steep learning curve and the fact that if you can't keep your flame going then you can't have fun and have no chance of winning.

Nincels got their ass handed to them in the main game and then 5x as much online.

Because Crash actually takes skill.

You can pop on Mario Kart at a party and even someone whose never touched it before can pick it up and do well because the game is balanced around bullshit and fun. You don't have any friends user so it makes sense why you couldn't figure this out.

It's sarcasm and I'm genuinely miffed the game's issues are temporarily ignored each time a new fanservice character is added to the roster.

I got burnt out with the grind around the Halloween update and havent played it since. I wish there was some way to just unlock all of the shit I've missed, I'd hop back in in a heatbeat if I could.