It wasn't that bad.
It wasn't that bad
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It wasn't that good. Interesting tech demo included with the movie, however.
It was definitely decent. Not the best MGS, but still playable with a decent story.
It was Phantom Pain that killed the series, at least for me.
it was pretty bad
I played this game as a shooter and never utilized stealth until I was forced to in that one small segment near the end of the game. I even had fun doing it. It was the only entry in the series I played.
It was worse.
I liked it a lot more than TPP, that's for sure.
It was basically a movie. There's a reason Kojima never made anything like it again.
the only forced stealth i remember was chapter 3 i think it was in the city - i always triggered the alarm in chapter 5 and just ran across the deck to the door
Of course it wasnt that bad, it was the reason to own a ps3 and made xbox keks seethe for years
i had both consoles because i didnt come from a dirty poor family like you
>it was the reason to own a ps3
But that's not Bloodborne 0.
>Implying anyone played Demons Souls.
Anyway MGS4 is probably my least favorite but it's still a hell of a game.
Hence the for years. It was merely the first reason to own a ps3
Who the fuck said its bad? Show me the faggot
See and
bunch of FAGGOTS!!!!
Not all, but a good bit of it.
This was the game you could feel Kojima's overdone touch, start.
>i was retarded so everyone else was too
kill yourself retard
It's a solid 8/10 based on technology alone
The nonsensical plot takes it down a couple notches, along with the jarring pacing
What little gameplay there is is great for the most part and the Rex VS Ray fight remains as one of the greatest mech battles I had the joy of partaking in, the final fight in the game as well being a complete love letter to fans
Not something anyone looking for a conventional video game will ever enjoy but I assume this game was made with the MGS fans and really only those in mind
The section where you return to an abandoned Shadow Moses was kino.
...and then it was promptly ruined when as soon as you get detected, the room fills with those annoying tripod enemies and it feels like a ridiculous cartoon
Yes it was, it turned awful as soon as chapter 3 started.
Sure, but it wasn't very good either
>I didn't play it, so neither did everyone else
Sperg all you want. There's no debate the series didn't hit massive popularity til Dark Souls. Demon's Souls is a fantastic game that was played by very few upon its initial release.
Why are you randomly starting an argument about demon souls in this thread? Nobody gives a fuck, nothing about you proving increased sales on demon souls discredits what he said. Mgs 4 was one of the most over hyped games of that console, and was a huge reason to buy it.
Haha yeah you tell em buddy!
Wish there were VR missions or something
It has one of my favorite MGS stories and had the best MGS gameplay at the time. I could play like a shooter or stealth gameplay whenever I feel like for the most part. Other than Act 3, I enjoyed it a lot, it was a good follow up to MGS2 . It takes everything from before and ramps to 11, the story became more complex, the areas became wider, the gunplay became stronger, etc. Definetely one of the best games in one of my favorite series.
Not them, but if somebody says something stupid and wrong they should be corrected, which is why I'm responding to you.
Agreed, but I wish it was more replayable. There's only so many times you can do the first two chapters. Just such a shame cause what little actual gameplay that's there is really fun to mess around with.
I really hate the inclusion of Johnny (Akiba). Poop jokes are funny in small quanities, but Kojimbo took that shit too far. Plus then his romance with Meryl was the cringiest thing in any Metal Gear game to date. Outside of that, the bosses were gracelessly fleshed out through predictable codec calls from Drebin after the fights. No development at all. Felt thrown in because they couldn't think of a good way of incorporating them into the main story. I still enjoy MGS4, mostly for nostalgic reasons. I still like it a lot more than MGSV: Soulless.
I've cleared this game like 14 times, and I still enjoy it. Some cutscenes are fucking good.
better than MGSV. I remember loving it when it first came out, but I can't really play it anymore.
Because retards such as yourselves should be publicly shamed for such moronic spouting.
Metal Gear Solid 4 was the equivelent of Halo 5. Overhyped shit that was and is exactly that, and will be remembered as such - Who cares if it 'sold consoles' if the product itself is utter garbage.
Demon's Souls sold well, and was played, thus he's wrong.
MGS4 was shit - it sold well, but it was horrible.
If you can't understand that, you're hopeless.
Dark souls only exists because of Demons souls popularity in imports and surprising US sales