Deus ex thread

Just replayed Mankind Divided since it was first released
will there be a third game in Adam's story or did MD kill it?

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MD didnt kill it. Square Enix did.

All faults to the game aside, like user said, square killed it to have Eidos work on something else. Hopefully one day we will get a 3rd game to round it out.

Talking about the avengers game?

Yeah, I think that was it.

The game doesn't even have half of the story user, it's not the game fault

Looks like they also did that last tomb raider trilogy, maybe they have two teams though I do recall hearing that those games sales figures were disappointing for square

this is one series that has gone down the shitter the more games they've put out.

I get mad every time I think about the potential MD had and how it ended just as it felt like it was making a turn into a great third act.

Sucked losing the trophy for not triggering any alarms because I called the wrong person half way through the game

Anachronox sequel when?

I'm still bummed how short it was and how abruptly it ended. It felt more like an DLC than an actual game.

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I missed the piss filter.

Doesn't Crystal Dynamics do Tomb Raider?

Yes but Eidos did Shadow of the Tomb Raider

I only failed getting no kills because I freaked out during the gun fight in the bookstore and accidentally stabbed a guy.

why didn't you post pic related (the superior version)

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I didn't. I instaleld the OG DXHR and the Director's Cut and the DC looks much better because of the lack of piss filter.

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Was it removed in the HR Directors Cut??


Oh wow how did I not notice this?

It was pretty dumb since if you call Miller an alarm automatically goes off later on in the mission so I wasn't able to go back on a save
Pretty sure the last third of the game being on lockdown was just to pad out the length too

I loved everything about md but REALLY wished it was longer. The entire soundtrack is insanely good but you have to find the proper mixes of it. I still can't believe they got ed harrison for breach. And mccaan and sascha did a crazy job on the main soundtrack.

>Replayed HR like 4 times fully
>Loved MD despite all the stuff it did wrong
>played DX1 like 3 times and never finished it
I will fucking finish it this time. I'm using a beta version GMDX with an aug wheel that was sorely needed in my opinion and I love the game a lot more and a shiton of stuff feel more balanced or enjoyable with much better stealth gameplay than what I remember. Better shooting too.
Now at hong kong though and I think the inventory isn't big enough. I really wish you could get a refund on your weapons mods because as soon you upgrade one gun you can't just drop it temporarily and there's no way to keep your stuff in stashes in this game which sucks donkey dicks

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I agree, but it was still a nice experience.
Prague was really well done as a hub. Shame we didn't get to explore any other city.

Isn't DX2 literally the worst game

I have the first but always ran into issues and never got more than a few hours into it

capeshit killed it

the most kino trailer

it was a good idea conceptually, but it needed to be more than just a golden hue change.

Absolute kino a bit too much, the game doesn't quite feel like that