Next installment of the series in the works

>next installment of the series in the works
>successful phone game still receiveing content
>movie still a go

It's amazing how far Five Nights At Freddy's has come since it was just a spooky game about surviving against mad robots.

Attached: Love is an open DOOOOOOOOOOOR.jpg (1280x800, 194.05K)

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I prefer the five nights at anime because a. It's not scary and b. I'm a boobs man.

The VR game looks nice but I don't have a VR set, I know it has a flat mode too but is it still good like that?

It does lose some of its fright in flat mode, but it looks and plays the same, and it's still creepy actually seeing everyone moving around.

The idea of having cool easter eggs and sequences that rarely happen in the game was great

Lmao it went to shit in fnaf2

>mad lad Aussie serial killer vampire skinwalker is still up to his tricks
Can anything stop this man? Not even Hell itself could hold William.

Attached: fnaf___purple_man_by_ladyfiszi-d9ys5aj.jpg (1440x1781, 3.12M)

Was this the quickest fanbase becoming cringe phenomenon in history? Even undertale had a long pre release following which was sort of tame. I feel like fnaf went from cool little game to full on discord tranny attention seeking furfag larpfest deviantart shithole in less than 24 hours

it's a zoomer game, obviously it now can be milked for eternity

Don't really know, don't really care. I just play the games and sometimes save some pics from jap artists, life is good when you avoid all the bad in it.

>Can anything stop this man? Not even Hell itself could hold William.
But it did, the one in VR is like just an entity

This is going to be great

Attached: 207-7_1.jpg (800x1067, 723.33K)

>next installment
Didn't pizzaria simulator literally tie up all remaining loose ends

I’m not criticising the games at all

Yeah user he died in 3, everything else after that is non canon

>it's a zoomer game, obviously it now can be milked for eternity

>Was this the quickest fanbase becoming cringe phenomenon in history? Even undertale had a long pre release following which was sort of tame. I feel like fnaf went from cool little game to full on discord tranny attention seeking furfag larpfest deviantart shithole in less than 24 hours

furries work tirelessly to ruin everything

Attached: Montgomery.png (496x649, 395.25K)

Fnaf literally feel like a game that series that came out in the 90's

Attached: 476_bright.png (1600x720, 672.47K)

I know, I meant that whether that's true or not is better left to someone else to figure out, no sense in wearing down your mind categorizing all the bad or unappealing stuff, right?

I don't like FNAF because he won't make another Desolate game.

Yes. Then Help Wanted continued it from there, with a digital William swapping his mind with a woman employee's so he could return to the living world and left her mind in a virtual stuffed bunny.

It's such a clear inspiration to Denver it's not even funny.

He put a Coffee easter egg in one of the games so he at least hasn't forgotten. Maybe some day he'll make The Desolate Abandon.

They take place in the same universe budy

Attached: rcTxeB0mWDi0HgJoCnbdKuwl5xnnlxPC0UjiELVTksI.jpg (480x360, 15.36K)

Thank god the graphic novel didn't try and make him look hot

Attached: qxlwJ610l2YVG3Zo0yvgKibkopk-GrlL8KQ5kVOqHrU.jpg (3024x4032, 907.7K)

>went from being Peter Griffith chonky to a slim toned hottie
Body-wise at least, that face is still the stuff of nightmares.

Attached: EB9knojXYAE4Jfq.jpg (815x1200, 120.05K)

William look like Facilier

Isn't this just gonna be from another book like the previous Scottgames image was?

Attached: IntoMyEyes.jpg (683x990, 427.49K)

No, it's the next game in the series, set in a shopping mall.

Nah, you can usually tell what teaser is for a book and what is for a game. Those are just follow-ups to this.

Attached: teaser.jpg (1194x733, 452.42K)

Your pic is from the book fetch not the others.

Attached: 133857602x.jpg (409x614, 47.86K)

Is it gonna be 3D like FNAF VR or pre-rendered?

3D because it's from Steel Wool.
Also she's the new villain.

Attached: ReluctantFollowerMask.png (2800x2797, 3.47M)

Assumedly 3D but I'm not sure if it's going to be VR (or at least not mandatory). I remember a screenshot of Steel Wool saying that they "don't just make VR games", obviously hinting at something.