How's you game coming along?

how's you game coming along?

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who the fuck programs games in java ?

yandere dev

What would it take for ludum dare to get a good theme?

My college game design class.

Why the fuck they expected a bunch of undergrads to be able to figure out Java for game design while juggling other classes as opposed to using something like unity or game maker, is a question I can't answer

UE4 have nice graph based tool that lets you skip normal programming almost entirely (technically you still program , but in non-coding-friendly maner) wich also have added benefit of teaching people how to think like programmer without having them learn syntax and diffrent paradigms of programming

That's in Microsoft Java. There's a difference.

If they want you doing things like IO, managing a coordinate system, etc. then it makes sense to go with a traditional language and library rather than a full game framework. Python or JS would make more sense than Java though.

Give me a break, I just woke up. I stayed up until about 4am to work on my game.

Same upset I stayed up till 8.
I'm working on a space shooter for the open art game jam and I got 8 days to come up with 3 more bosses.

>college game design class
Enjoy your poverty

out on steam in one week

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Universities can require a certain amount of electives and sometimes you don't have any good or useful courses. Something for fun here or there is ok.


A college elective isn't a career, you dunce.

All though I guess, in fairness, Notch barely did any work on Minecraft. He was busy taking vacations every week while cracking the whip at Jeb.


slow and steady

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Never been to college, eh? You have to take a certain amount of electives depending on your program and they all require them. Taking an elective =/= a degree or career.


Can you not use == on two integer variables in Java?

working on networking my voxelgame

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>Why yes, I do think artists are filthy fucking animals and impossible to work with

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and some gifs

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Nice butt :)

doesn't he use javascript

programming is for nerds

real devs work on art and design

Who blueprint masterrace?

Not him but I'm unfamiliar with yandere. Is he using an engine or building from scratch?

How is Godot? Apparently it's fine for 2D but is it still shit for 3D?

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I just love looking at my literal spaghetti code

can we get through a single fucking gamedev thread on Yas Forums without you bringing up your fucking boner for this faggot weeb?

Couldn't really tell you personally. I looked at it once and it was mostly just an unruly mess. So I didn't bother.

I honestly don't understand why more games aren't made in Java
Isn't Java basically just C++ lite? I mean lot of games are made with C++

Mother fucker I said I am unfamiliar with him. I was trying to answer his question based on clues. Fuck off faggot.

Games aren't really made with C++, game engines are made with C++

Unity I think, I thought C# was the language for unity but I've never used so I dunno

No there are quite a few key differences. It's more accurate to say, well if you are going to use Java, you might as well just use C++ because it's the same but also better.

Dont be hateful just to be hateful, user. You will be miserable. Sounds like you already are.

Then he's using Javascript. Not Java. You can use Javascript or C# with Unity, natively.

How long does it take to learn C#? I've been into it recently but it's hard as fuck remembering arguments, strings etc by memory. It seems like a really useful skill tho.

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>Games aren't really made with C++, game engines are made with C++
but games are made in game engines? beyond working within the engine what else is there? am I being retarded???

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Many 2D games are still made directly in C++ with SDL2. It's more common at full fledged studios than with indies, though.

Learn it while you make something. That's the best way to learn and it'll come naturally.

That ship went down, game programming was really uninteresting. Now I'm just making a program that scraps archives and makes a graphic on how many times a given buzzword is said on Yas Forums given a period of time.

it's coming alright

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Fucking what? Unreal, the most popular engine to use, uses C++ for it's scripting. What the fuck are you talking about?

Unity thankfully dropped support for JS/Unityscript a while ago. It will still compile, but it's deprecated, and will stop working in a future update. The UI actively tries to discourage it as well.

The point is, if you're going to be using an already made engine to make your games, you're unlikely to have many run-ins with the C++ code. It will be abstracted away.

Couple days to learn how it works and get a general understanding of it's library. Really, though, if you're going to spend the time on C# you might as well just learn C++ instead. Unless you want to use Unity, specifically.

>if you're going to be using an already made engine to make your games, you're unlikely to have many run-ins with the C++ code.
How wrong do you want to be, today?

ok I guess so, seems like a misleading statement though

Oh really?

I can tell a tranny made this image

It's a very wrong statement. Unreal scripts in C++. C++ is the industry standard for a reason. You can't even get hired anywhere without knowing C++ because everyone either uses Unreal or their in-house engines use C++. Don't listen to this idiot.

TheoTown, a city builder, uses Java entirely

What are the easiest type of 2D games to make?

RPGs like ?

What's the best way to learn? I'm trying to teach myself C# as a language and GameMaker Studio for the engine as I want to work on 2D games, but I get overwhelmed with programming as soon as I get out of the easier stuff to learn.

Java needs a virtual machine which has something known as a Just In Time compiler, basically an intermediary in the compilation process that turns Java code into bytecode, which allows it to run in any operating system. C++ doesn't have this, that's one of the reasons why C++ code tends to be faster than Java, not always though.

Android developers?

Just do it. When you run into problems, figure it out and if you can't ask for help. There are forums everywhere and specific forums for every engine. Everybody runs into problems. Doesn't matter how good you are.