Animal Crossing

It's Turnip day. Dodos and dissapointment.

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If any time travel Chad's have a high turnip price at Nook's I will suck your dick if you open your gayes

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selling my turnips for 2 hours today showed me why i hate nintendo online again

>only 1 island per switch
this is some advanced, unapologetic jewery, holy shit

t. has to share his console with siblings

I decided to play in on my gf's switch and I'm honestly stunned at this scummy practice, but they have retards to defend it so it makes sense
multiple saves has been a standard for decades in vidya, there's no excuse

never has been in animal crossing

what is your point? that's even worse

>Gayle moving in
>Drago in campsite
This just became gator country

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I like the hourly themes better in the original gamecube version. I wish KK sang more of them besides "Forest Life". Forest Life is great though.

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Selling at 104

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Is there any reason to pay off the loan after getting the basement?

Make Tom Nook erect

Free house renovations,

need cheap nips please

its 102 here

I miss this shit

Jut buy at whatever your Daisy Mae is selling for. Her price range is too small for it to matter much. The only reason you should be looking for a cheap price on Sunday is if you have no plans to sell on another person's island.


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What are you gonna use all that money for? might as well

Has anyone else gotten banned from online yet?

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>people already freaking out about turnips

It's fucking Sunday, online was a mistake

lol no what did you do?

You become a responsible adult. The other animals start officially recognizing you as a man in their dialogue instead of a kid.

What did you do? Do you post your furry images on the ground?

Just bought 1.2 million bells worth of turnips at 92 bells a piece. Wish me luck, bros.

If you ever see Tevin on your island, just know that he’s a selfish cunt

There are some time travelers in this here thread.

Im just looking for cheap prices

You weren't stupid enough to upload designs to the server that are against the TOS, right?

What a cutie!!

Attached: sable.jpg (1280x1440, 496K)

Still the best hour theme of any AC game

better save up nook mile tickets for them entry fees

> Drago in campsite
> Can't invite him because 10 villagers
Damn it.

>buying price rage is literally 90-110
>people begging for cheap prices to open up their gates
It doesn't fucking matter. It's a difference in 20 bells. It will never be the deciding factor on whether or not you profit ESPECIALLY if you're already willing to travel to other islands for turnip exchange.