Mom walks in

>mom walks in

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Well user? Why don't you look like him?

I liked Carlos personality wise better in the original desu

wouldnt that be his mom's fault

If your the type of faggot who blames his parents for all his problems, sure.

i fucking hate this
>some guy killed a whole school
>”it’s da parent faaaaaauuuuullllt”

he means it's her genetics retards
holy fuck that was the stupidest exchange I've ever seen in my life

It usually is, though. Look up how many school shooters come from fucked up homes.

Actually no, I'll just tell you, it's fucking ALL OF THEM.

Not all, just the absolute grand majority of them.

Nah failed men take it even further, blaming their parents for any perceived shortcoming. Fat? Blame your parents, they clearly gave you too much food. Socially awkward? Blame your parents, they clearly raised you wrong. You're a product of your upbringing, so none of your failings are really your fault. It's peak cope.

>me start talking
>father: “my god you have a squeaky voice”

most of the school shooters are niggers and niggers don’t have father, therefore they can’t have daddy issues. You low, I win, bye bye

>Most serial killers had abusive parents
hmm really makes you think

Would you not blame Elliot Rodger's absolutely shit parents for at least some of his problems? I mean, he wasn't just a spoiled rich kid, he was absolutely FUCKED, and I'm pretty sure a large part of it was because of parently neglect.

Did his mom and dad make him pull the trigger? No, absolutely not, but dude, you aren't just born a murderer. Something has to happen to you to TWIST AND MUTATE you into that.

this is offensive. as a man i dont want to be held to that standard. theres no reason i should have to be jacked out to be attractive. the standards today are so terrible and men being objectified like this is an outrage.

>"Hey, user. This guy really looks like you!"

>niggers don’t have father, therefore they can’t have daddy issues

Wait, isn't that exactly why they would have daddy issues?

Were you even trying to make sense there or were you just trying to assuage your own ego?

My mom was a big fan of Kiryu and didn't even try to hide it. She also thought he didn't look japanese.

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Why does resident evil have such homoerotic undertones?

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Most people from bad homes don't become serial killers though retard.

On the flip side:

>Kid turns into a drug dealer gangbanger
>It's completely his fault and his parents had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Seems kind of fucking retarded, doesn't it? Like, maybe if he left home at a young age and was adopted by a gang leader?

I was joking user. It was obviois

wtf bros.
im not gay but sometimes i just see a guy like carlos and i want to do nothing more than caress his muscular body and suck his cock
why is this the case bros

...what does that have to do with the concept of the formation of a serial killer being at least partly the fault of his parents?

hey that’s fake, i had good parents and yet i have killed 5 men

>mom walks in
>I need someone to spank me like that!

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if you're ugly, short, bald, small dick, low IQ, guess what, those are all genetic and you're not going to fix them no matter how hard you try
and from your posts, it's clear some of those things apply to you

>men to have to put in years of work if they want to be attractive

I hate being male.
Why can't we just be born muscular

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And not all serial killers come from fucked up homes, retard. The fuck is your point?

He’s jomon

>You're a product of your upbringing, so none of your failings are really your fault. It's peak cope.

But you are? How the fuck can you take responsibility for things you were too young to be aware of? When I see a fat fucking child and his fat ass parents, you can bet your ass it's the parents fault. It's not like he was like, "Huh, I'm gonna be a fat ass today!" When he's older and aware, THEN he can blame himself and what not, but even then he's only in that position because of his parents.

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was afraid someone was gonna walk in during the dance scene in FF7R

If you wanted it that badly you'd put in the work, and no it doesn't take years.

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My point is saying that it's the parents fault that someone becomes a serial killer is retarded. The vast majority of people who have been abused, beaten etc. don't go on to become serial killers, so trying to justify those actions by saying
>he was good boi he just had a bad home he need more help for his programs
is retarded.

I enjoy carbs too much, hence forever skinnyfat.

>You're a product of your upbringing

Yes. That's true. Why do you think aristrocratic families are a thing? Or clans? And their customs and traditions? Or why people have culture AT ALL? Because they understood this extremely obvious, basic ass fact of life, that YES, YOU





>so none of your failings are really your faul

No, stupid. It simply means that if you were raised to eat shit fucking food and be a lazy piece of shit sitting on the couch watching sitcoms all day it is going to be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for you to fix that shit as an adult because you just don't have the programming for it.

>people are carbon copies of their mom

uh ok

>My point is saying that it's the parents fault that someone becomes a serial killer is retarded

And my point is that completely wiping the parents of any responsibility is MILLIONS OF TIMES more retarded.

Shit nigga, according to your logic, why even parent your children AT ALL?! Just make sure the little bastard doesn't die in the first few years and throw the little niglet into the wild! You can't do SHIT for him, he's FUCKED! Either he's gonna grow up alright or turn into a piece of shit. Come on, now, ain't nobody got time to raise no damn child! Shiiiieeet!

I blame my parents for my brain damage. I'm slow to learn because of them. People think if you try hard enough you can become smarter but I never learned math beyond the basics I can multiply and subtract small numbers but that's it and not much else despite having a tutor and going to school. Brain damage sucks.

Nigga just lift.

Nice strawman.

sorry user

>Well at least you aren't a lesbian

Just being average or fit/lean is enough I don't see why it's so common now to think you have to be super muscular just to get anywhere. Just don't be a fatass or a sperg.

>literal retard blames his parents
Seems about right.

I have been back in the gym for a little under a year now, and got some decent gains but still skinnyfat torso. And it's been closed for a month now since the quarantine shit so I'm back to square one til this shit blows over.

That isn't a strawman, asshole. I never presented what I said as your argument, I am EXTRAPOLATING from your logic to form a concept in order to better help you understand how FUCKING STUPID it is to not take parental guidance into consideration when assessing the formation of a child into an adult.

Now, are you actually going to address any of my points, or are you just going to sit there while I continue to metaphorically slap you across the face with my dick from where I'm sitting?

>your genetics doesn't depend on your parents
>your diet while in growth doesn't depend on your parents
>parenting has no effect on personality

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Getting Yas Forums is easy. Try being short though. Now THAT is a motherfucker as a man.

big talk for someone even more retarded than someone with literal brain damage

How people choose to live their lives have nothing to do with parents. "raising" is a meme because free will exists.

Also take testosterone and roids

If you are skinnyfat then something is wrong with you on a hormonal level. The average male used to have defined muscles even without working out

>And my point is that completely wiping the parents of any responsibility is MILLIONS OF TIMES more retarded.
Nope, completely wiping the killer of any responsibility because of bad parents (even though most people with a bad upbringing don't become serial killers) is more retarded. Makes sense that someone on Yas Forums can't understand the concept of one taking responsibility of their own actions instead of passing the blame to others though.

>The vast majority of people who have been abused, beaten etc. don't go on to become serial killers
and yet most serial killers do have abusive parents, meaning even if there is a genetic component that turns them into serial killer, an abusive household is much more of a relevant factor ultimately.

>Getting Yas Forums is easy
explain ? to get pic rel body require at the very least year. puttin some makeup and not beeing fat is easy. year of dedication is not

I'm sure all those abusive parents were just a coincidence huh

nobody enters my room while i play the vidya