Tomorrow or today depending on your timezone is the 30th anniversary of Fire Emblem...

Tomorrow or today depending on your timezone is the 30th anniversary of Fire Emblem. Say something nice about this series.

Also why hasn't intelligent systems announced something yet?

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Trash series with trash fans. Abject cancer.

I'm replaying thracia 776 again, I never get bored of it

cute girls

Based Kempf

heroes is all we get for the celebration
welcome to the dark timeline

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Genealogy is the best one.

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Kaga leaving the series was a mistake.

Arcsys Fire Emblem fighter when?

It's a solid 7/10 series for the most part. I like it.

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Easily my favorite dating simulator series.

Awakening and Fates are the best FE games.

Hopefully never, I don't want those greedy bastards getting their hands on Fire Emblem

Waiting on them to port that cancelled 3DS remake game to Switch.

Its a fun if flawed series that for some reason is really hard to genuinely discuss on Yas Forums

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never played it, might pick it up on switch during sale

>Also why hasn't intelligent systems announced something yet?
Chink flu ruined the world and the anniversary expo got cancelled because of it.
Frankly I hope if something is announced, it's something of fun & substance and not just gachashit, something like plush doll runs, an animated series, some books, or a new spin-off game. Cipher getting cancelled gets me a little bummed cause it means the only supplementary stuff we may be getting from here on out is the maximum uncomfy $10 monthly payment simulator.

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Based series, we should celebrate with a newcomer in Smash

Next year is the 25th anniversary of Genealogy, can see a remake being in the works.

Reminder that FE was obscure as fuck and got into Smash because of Sakurai's fanboyism and STILL was about to die before Awakening saved it

So no matter how much you shit on this game, remember that this man is the reason you stand where you do today

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This, Sigurd would be the best pick possible rn.

>Also why hasn't intelligent systems announced something yet?

They're doing the anniversary event in FEH.
Beyond that, Fire Emblem Expo got cancelled because of the rona. Presumably new stuff would've been there like all the 30th anniversary merch, and then later we'd see an actual game at E3.

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good, awakening is a great game.

30th anniversary? Fire Emblem died back in 2012.

why are the graphics still so shit while the cutscenes have been some of the best?

its a 4/10 series and deserves to be burnt down

Are the DS games good? Or just go straight to 3DS ones?

t. casual pleb who finished 3 houses


Pretty sure they Nintendo had no plans to attend E3 before it got cancelled.

>the only celebration ISIS intends to do is in FEH
What did we do to deserve this fuckig trash

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>just because they just play a video and then go to the Treehouse stream instead of filling an auditorium with paid clappers means they don't attend E3

nah the DS games blow, play the fan translation of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem for SNES instead
or just go to Awakening on 3ds

Do you Guys think a Collection with all the games Up to SS (including JP olny titles) for the Switch would be a good idea ?

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If you can tolerate the graphics and Kris they're not bad remakes.

>remember that this man is the reason you stand where you do today
But he's not even the protagonist.

Koei went super cheap with the visuals, see P5S, they outsourced the Graphivs to chinks a d now we don't have anti-alialising.

Post favorite recruitment themes.

upvote and sad face for me

Three Houses is the best one

its good but not great
dlc makes it great tho

we killed advance wars

no but he fucked her

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>does all the work
>drives the story
>is the only person most of the villains up until the final act actually give a shit about
>everywhere from Fire Emblem's website to Smash Bros calls him the main character

They have announced that they'll be canceling Cipher by the end of the year. I don't think IntSys really cares about FE all that much.

I've beat Shadow Dragon on hard 3 and I'm on New Mystery chapter 4 on hard 2 and I can say that Shadow Dragon has is a meh and simple story but isn't bad, just kidna bland and mechanically its fairly simple and straight forward but I think the level design is mostly good and on hard 3 generic enemies are actually strong enough to be threatening but isn't stupid like Awakening Lunatic. New Mystery based on the little bit I played and from what I've seen is probably better gameplay wise since the levels appear to be less straight forward and how the place the enemies are more calculated but apparently the story is worst than the original game because everyone sucks the avatar's cock and everyone hates the new assassin subplot

>the only celebration ISIS intends to do is in FEH
preparing myself for this. Assuming the flu isn't causing delays, they probably didn't have something to show off to begin with

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A moderately decent turn based strategy game that has slowly devolved into a dating simulator to serve the sole purpose of allowing Nintendo to sell sex to minors.

All of this is only true in the Gangrel Arc. Also ISIS shills his daughter as the face of Awakening more than him for crying out loud.

do you still believe this even after three houses? the only "dating" part was at the very end of the game

Fair enough. I guess after Awakening and Heroes I've had the IP soured for me conceptually.

Not to mention the "breakaway" armor in Warriors.

There WAS supposed to have a FEExpo for the aniversary, but the Corona fucked that up

They will do some stuff in Nipland, nothing in the West it seems.

understandably so, especially with warriors and heroes. the games are literally just fanservice

>the Gangrel Arc

So the only good part of the game? After that it drops off HARD, as much as I like lobsterman.