Yas Forumsermin Yas Forumseekend

Draw anything, give it stats and make it fight other creatures

Burst tournament submissions today

Attached: 1587313323509.png (686x659, 25.02K)

How 2 Vermin:
>Draw a 3-stage not-pokemon in MSPaint or art program of your choice
>Draw the thing that it shoots when it does a blasting attack
>Assign stat points to Lifes, Muscle, Blast, Guard, or Fast
>First Stage has 13 stat points
>Second stage has 20, but can trade 4 stat points to have an ability
>Third Stage has 25, but can trade 5 stat points for an ability
>Burst Modes are optional but have 35 stat points and can trade in increments of 5 to gain more abilities
>Wait for a tripfag with "host" in their name to post a "PR" and submit it to a tournament
>Watch your creation fight other user's creations in like a week after it is coded into an engine
Alright user, get to it there's a Burst in about 5 hours, make your vermin

Attached: GAS GAS GAS.png (923x477, 38.52K)

>no vermin that

Attached: 1575212850828.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

might've been too early for a thread desu

I thought the same, but it's better than having someone make a /vg/-tier thread

PR when?

post your bursts you faggers

I like it when the vermins are hot and sexy

how about new vermbo in general

Attached: sandwitchshrewd.png (1600x1200, 92.2K)

what about cold and cute?

Wtf am I looking at here?

Silence Spectatorwoman

I will for the PR
But I will not use this one

Attached: 1573944846017.png (1706x504, 79.65K)


Attached: 5b8.jpg (253x345, 19.62K)

built for raspberries

this is still my latest vermin, i gotta get some new ideas
not a huge fan of that vermin, feels like there's too much going on, and the rat lady is entirely unnecessary

Attached: roomba but sideways.png (864x299, 14.6K)

Make a good vermin for once, please

that's not me but cold and cute > hot and sexy

Attached: dt1.png (600x630, 31.67K)

post bursts
post wips
post vermin
post new vermin
give me waifus
post waifus
porn when
who ya rootin for
give me vermin to draw
nooo don't lewd my vermin

I was waiting all night for this thread.
I'm new to vermin and I made two, what do you think?

Attached: bimbell.jpg (686x606, 136.63K)

My first vermin joins the fray

Attached: vermin1 v3.png (3200x2076, 147.91K)


Attached: OUCH.jpg (1500x1100, 333.19K)

>putting your signature on shit
this is why we need to stop attracting twitter retards to these threads

Disgusting, I like them

this vermin radiates an indescribably potent energy
same here, but i like him more, also
>putting a signature on vermin sheets
for what purpose

fuck off back to the /trash/ drawthreads

>prepostin before the PR
oof, I'm afraid you may not be able to get in now


Attached: 1577136605590.jpg (800x800, 102.09K)

so he can pull a zoot/methados and post it on social media for exposure


okay so my first impression is that you hate me and i shouldnt try to draw well.
i guess this isnt for me, sorry bye.


they're a bit gross, also

Attached: 1586069424551.jpg (559x474, 90.72K)

Here's 01's burst

Attached: 01 burst.png (140x123, 1.68K)

i agree with this user they are strange in a good way

go back

the only thing you are doing wrong is the signature

you first

No cunty only verm

Attached: mina booze.png (286x275, 24.01K)

Are you genuinely trying to act like a victim?

Attached: 535684667.png (364x270, 120.44K)

i'm not a victim i just dont think its smart to spend time on something for fun that is just going to recieve a ton of negative feedback when im trying to relax with the boys. same reason i dont play mobas anymore

im still going to make vermin and lurk but i wont share, it's all good.

>victim card
>on fucking Yas Forums

Attached: Shredder1.png (265x327, 3.98K)

>it's all good.
I'm sorry sir but its not. Your autism is terminal.

hes one of the faggots from either the trash or Yas Forums drawthreads, hes only here to get publicity