Mass Effect

You maintained galactic stability, right?

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Keep Rachni in case Krogan chimp out and vice versa. Maintain balance of power.

Alright and what do you do after that?

I dunno, bang my waifu maybe.

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>banging a piece of wood
dude wtf you'll get splinters

Go coof on Tali or something. I like my blueberry.


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She really got worse after the first game

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...but what if they team up later on and double fuck you?

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Imagine marrying her and she does the voice...

She's fine.

"I couldn't let the krogan stand in the way"

>Art is of Ash shooting him in the back of the head because you couldn't do it yourself.

>maintained galactic stability
>the me1 choice
This just means you'll have to deal with the Rachni breeder and the Wreav-lead Krogan in 3, which means you'll have to wipe out the Rachni and sabotage the genophage.

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just making sure you're gonna finish the job

Of course. I'll even put the put bullet in anyone attempting to fix it

now THAT is based

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You lads picked the best waifus right?

>inb4 b...bad taste!. [x] should be higher
Nope, sorry sweetie, this list is absolutely perfect.
-Genius sex-fantasy alien doctor and redpilled human soldier/operative on the top tiers who all have development, no major issues, and are fuckable
-Angry crazy bald lady and moderately cute alien who both still have some development and are fuckable (even if you make the alien sick everytime) in the middle.
-weird bisexual psychologist lady and Jessica Chobot, who are more plot device than actual characters, but you can still fuck them, near the bottom
-the sexy alien mommy you can't bang, the fags, and the alien that kills you instantly if you fuck her at the absolute bottom.

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>want more Mass Effect
>BioWare can't make it good
Why do we suffer like this?

And why is my blueberry so cute...

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>Wilson betrays Cerberus for no reason
>Wilson is able to hack all the mechs somehow despite being a biologist and not a tech genius
>He waits to do this until the day Shepard is due to wake up instead of just spacing the body when Miranda was on coffee break or something
>He spent two years of his life giving his full effort to the project of reviving him just so he could kill him again?
>Somehow his scheme to assassinate Shepard after bringing him back to life managed to kill literally everyone on board EXCEPT Shepard himself, who was fucking comatose
>Then he helps Shepard by shooting his own mechs to save Shepard's life, instead of just shooting him in the back
>Miranda busts in and blows Wilson away immediately, says "I didn't have any proof and don't know who send him or what his motive was or how he did all this but dude trust me lmao" and the dialogue immediately ends with Miranda gaining Shepard's unfaltering trust and respect and none of this ever being mentioned again

This game has a Metacritic rating of 96.

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This is an acceptable list too, good taste. I didn't include Kasumi because you can't romance her obviously, but if you could she'd be up there for sure. What the absolute fuck was bioware thinking by not making her an option?! Also i'm not sure I'd even consider EDI (even if she was an option) but you put her near the bottom so that's okay.

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>download reaper password to enter collector base
>reaper dolphin porn uploads virus to ship leaving it vulnerable
>every squadmate leaves the normandy for no reason while its downloading
>the collectors for some reason decide to board the ship and abduct everyone
>instead of just destroying the ship like they did the first time IN THE FIRST SCENE OF THE GAME
>said ship is also the best and only means of stopping them
me2 is considered the best by many

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Will never not be mad

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Yeah that entire sequence was retarded. I suppose it's possible that the Collectors just bribed him to do it later on, but we aren't told any of this so it's not a good excuse. The game just brushes past it so quickly that most people don't think about it.

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Wasn't he working for the shadow broker? I guess you could always explain it away as maybe not wanting Shepard dead but just incapacitated and he couldn't do anything with Jacob there. Still dumb.

This is the really stupid shit though.

But why would SB want Shepard dead?

>Nothing for Shepard to indicate this was the case besides his shitty attitude with Jacob
>Miranda shoots him and declares him the traitor
>One of the options was an unironic "Ah, Yes I had a feeling he'd do that." Despite the game letting you run that entire area with him and having no choice but to let him tag along.
>Miranda follows with "Lol, yeah good job catching that bro." Unironically.

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>Wasn't he working for the shadow broker?
Yeah, but the Shadow Broker was hired by the Collectors to get Shepherd's body (i think either alive or dead), so technically Wilson is working for them as a sort of sub-contractor through the SB.
>still dumb
Yeah, absolutely

>it's just good business
SB just wants his body to collect the Collector bounty, dead or alive.

They also should've let you actually bang Samara, that would've bumped her up a few tiers. Instead, even with the Citadel DLC, all you get is "hold me" or some bullshit like that.

ME2 fucking suck. Holy shit what a downgrade from 1.