Why did nostalgia skip the GBA and go right to the DS?

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Legacy of Goku 2 is god tier

Wtf are you even on? GBA and Gamecube was the last era of good Nintendo nostalgia. DS and the subsequent Wii was the death rattle of a shit company.

Gba is the best Nintendo handheld

it was soulless

Attached: pokemon red-fire red - soul-soulless.png (240x304, 11.22K)

That's a meme. The wii and especially the ds had alot of good games.

ds library shits on gba's any day of the week wtf are you on

The Wii, maybe, but the DS was, and is, great. Due to its limited power it was also the last bastion of non-bloated games.

Game Boy Advance

Nintendo DS

One was 5 years in the market, the other one 9

Because I skipped the GBA and went right to the DS, and then bought a ton of cheap GBA games to play on my DS because it was backwards compatible.

I did the same with Gamecube and Wii. Saved a shitton of money by accident and laziness.

pic related is one of the best 2D platformers of all time though

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because the GBA barely lasted in the market, Nintendo released it in 2001, then Sony announced the development of the PSP a couple of years later and Nintendo rushed the DS (in development since 2002 or so) to the market in 2004 (while claiming it wouldn't be the true successor of the Gameboy line, but a "third pillar")

the GBC was in a similar situation, the successor (GBA itself) was released way too quickly, if it weren't for Pokemon GSC the GBC would have been completely forgotten

Most of GBA's notable games were just SNES ports. Advance Wars and Castlevania games were god tier, though not much else.

Because it was only around for like 3 years before they replaced it with the DS.

>No 2D Mario
>All the good first-party games were only in Japan
>SNES ports up the ass
>Minish Cap came out when DS was already released
>Yoshi and Donkey Kong games were shit
>Original Mario games like Pinball Land, Kart Advance, Party Advance etc.. were all shit
It wasn't that good by man, notice how all the Nintendo IP's that debuted on the GBA are now dead, that's how shit it was.

Bottom looks better you colossal faggot

DS had a shit-ton of good games, retard. Look for stuff beyond Pokemon and Mario, for fuck’s sake.

>Trauma Center series is dead
the DS and Wii entries were all good
>Cing is also dead

Didn't it get a sequel? I swear i've seen this character somewhere else.

>Kart Advance

That was one of the most entertaining GBA games, played the shit out of it back in the day.

It's one of the worst Mario Kart games.

Was there even a Tetris on the GBA?

nostalgia doesnt skip the gba for me. it was my first handheld. had it from 3 years old to 6 years old. got my along with pokemon diamond a week after my 7th birthday in 2007. i basically learned how to play vidya through it, the gamecube, and n64 since thats what was in my house.
however, it was just a shit platform. honestly the only fond memories i have with it are from pokemon, warioware, the mario sports games and when i revisited it in 2010-2011 to play golden sun, mmbn, and fire emblem. i didnt even have a bad collection of games. the system just didnt have enough creative and unique games unlike the ds. it felt like there were 5 amazing ds games for every one good gba game. also easy multiplayer without link cable made the ds so much better. gba just felt soulless compared to the ds, even back then when i was too naive to fully understand soul.
oh, and the shovelware on the system was so fucking terrible too. much worse than ds shovelware by far.


buus fury was also great. loved the soundtrack in those games

it kinda sucked until the sp version came out, once I got a psp I just used that to emulate gba stuff
the main hype parts were the snes ports as the actual snes games were shitty to run on the emulators I had at the time
final fantasy tactics advance
final fantasy ports
shining soul 2
super mario 2/3/world
link to the past
the fire emblem games it had were all the first for many western players

but yea the ports are mainly the hype part

Its amazing but by gawd that soundchip is just...

bottom looks like generic trash because it is you colossal faggot

OP what are you talking about, GBA is pure nostalgia

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So does the top retard

Speed for yourself zoomie, GB and GBA are my favorites ever.


I view the GBA as the last implicitly 2D and retro console.

it didnt

sp was god tier and so was ds

Because GBA is peak Nintendo and is still played today by everyone.

It didn't, you're just a zoomer

>Not the purple GBA SP

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It had the comfiest Zelda ever.

>DS and the subsequent Wii

DS was great, and the wii had a few gems under the mountain of shovelware. Not many, but they were there.

people still use their GBAs to play old games, anything on a DS can be done on a 3ds so people have started being nostalgic for what they no longer use

It had the best Dragonball game.

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>notice how all the Nintendo IP's that debuted on the GBA are now dead

Which series are these?

GBA barely had any games except for RPGS, shitty ports, and shovelware

>Most of GBA's notable games were just SNES ports
Name them, because I rarely see them listed in recommendation threads and if they are then they're always acknowledged as being subpar compared to the originals. Meanwhile you'll constantly see original franchises listed like Battle Network and Golden Sun.

Didnt gba emulators come out pretty early?

GBA came out too close to the DS for it to develop an amazing library of games
That and the first edition had a garbage screen that wasn’t improved until the SP

Still had a great library, fuck zoomers

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You can say that about nearly every handheld, especially if you're a nitpicking cunt like yourself