Pre-order shadowlands

pre-order shadowlands

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i rather buy call of duty

Their procedural roguelite dungeon is fun.

I haven't paid attention to WoW in over a year but before that I played since release almost. What all exactly are they adding and what major changes are they making? It might suck me back in, not sure yet.

I already did and something went fucky with the authentication which means I never had to pay for the xpac even though I did get it

it already released?

shadowlands actually isnt that bad so far, but it has to overcome the absolute shit pile that was battle for azeroth and ruining the faction i played for 12 years

I looked at the site with previews about it, especially that huge spiel about class design philosophy and how they're listening to all the negative feedback about what they've been doing the past couple expacs. It's all good on paper but at the end of the day it's just lip service until they actually implement anything. To me, at this point, it's just the sounds of a desperate and dying company begging people to keep giving them money. I guess we'll see what happens.

she is really cute bros not gonna lie they did good

I already did

>pre-ordering anytime other than the day before it actually releasese
what a retard

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It rather send my money to Goldberg "Help niggers repopulate america" fundation than buy any Blizzard game

>how they're listening to all the negative feedback about what they've been doing the past couple expacs
Spoilers: They say that every fucking expansion

I'll never buy a wow expac on launch. They'll just remove the grind after the first content patch and then all your work has been for nothing.

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>pre-ordering at all


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>New Leader of the Forsaken is the former Prince who condemmed them all to Undeath's sister who happens to be the aunt and BBF of the primary enemy faction's capital city and is also an undead who is powered by the Light

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It's comic book tier

>Metzen leaves
>Comic book fetish writing still continues
absolute suffering
I miss vanilla writing

It's not procedural. They're all hand build maps, they just have a random layout every time, but closing off doors and areas, so its a different route.

BfA's shit systems removed, Shadowlands are essentially a revamp of Legion's systems.
Covenants are Class Halls, Soulbinds are Artifacts (with talent-like choices that can be switched), Legendaries are back but are crafted with no RNG from mats gathered in a roguelite repeatable dungeon that's the best thing they've added in years.

They'll probably still ruin it in some way but Alpha looks promising.

Metzen's writing still sucked. Just look at "There must always be a Lich King," Kael'thas going insane just because, the Draenei retcon, and Green Jesus during Cataclysm.

metzen is based!!!

how do we fix the lore ?

Isn't this expansion basically just a ffxiv clone?

You can't best thing to do is just make up new lore like in MoP

People have been memeing about the name but it isn't. Shadowlands have been a concept in WoW lore since WotLK and expansions are planned years in advance. When it comes to features and systems it's Legion 2.0.

FFXIV and WoW are completely different games. I wouldn't even call FFXIV a mmorpg because you can't quest with friends and the game frequently telling you to not be in a party if you do.

That's what they're doing in Shadowlands though.
Every other plot is on the bench. Literally, all the leaders of Horde and Alliance and big heroes are imprisoned in the Maw/Torghast.
The PC is the "Maw Walker" who needs to save everyone with the help of the new Shadowlands inhabitants, among which are some known npcs who died prior to WotLK like Kael'thas.

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>Pre ordering the only game worse than league of legends

Ah yes, another genius plan just like Legion and Illidan.
In case of emergency break glass and release Kael'thas and Arthas

I'm not talking about the name alone. There was an infopgraph showing just how similar the new wow expansion is to the newest xiv expansion. Even shit like palace of the dead has been nearly 1:1 copied into wow now.


Memeing bullshit. Torghast has only very superficial similarities to PotD/HoH.

jaina dies in bfa? lol, it was so shit I didn't even finish the fucking main story

>buying Blizzshit
They've put up like 7 whiffs in a row. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Its not like they specifically force them in. It makes sense to meet dead people in the dead people place.

It's the same lip service they give every fucking time. They're going to take a ton of feedback from the beta, none of which they will actually listen to because the designers think they know better. They'll change classes around nonsensically like they do every time, nobody will be truly satisfied with their spec and everyone will bitch. They even had to say that this time, they're going to try to add abilities back that they previously pruned. What a joke your game is when your selling point is for class design this time is that you're going to give back abilities you took away previously.

The problem with that is, Legion was still fucking garbage. It's just not as shit as BFA and WoD, but it still was fucking shit.

Doubt any of them die, just imprisoned. Benched.
Expansion intro is Horde + Alliance sending an expedition into the Maw, it all goes wrong.
Similar scenario as at the start of WoD.

Uh but user. They said THIS TIME FOR REAL. They wouldnt lie to us again.

What made it shit?

>look at gameplay footage from classes
>it's literally the same as bfa

Many people liked Legion. I think it mostly depended on if you didn't like your class/spec overhaul and/or if you didn't get any good Legiondaries in the first months.

First is going to stay the same, but at least they're toning down the RNG and infintie AP grind.

>Blizzard hasn't released a good game in over a decade
>Addicts will still give them money

The absolutely abhorrent class design and autoclicker-tier artifact weapon progression that invalidated your progress with Artifact Knowledge regardless, also the worst hero class bar none

My demon hunter is ready to enter the shadowlands.
If they release the leveling remake before the expansion, I might level my death knight since it would be better to have one in the afterlife.

That's the entirety of criticism you have for the expansion?

>like kael'thas
based as fuck

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but it feels like we're only going to dead people place because they can keep bringing back dead people that way

>Blizzard hasn't released a good game in over a decade
>mfw it's literally true

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>tfw he's a boss in the first raid but this time you need to save him from himself


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Worse than that, they recently took one of their old games and retroactively made it worse. How do they do it?

>supporting Chink lovers
No thanks, it's Israel for me.

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Were going to dead people place because they have no other plot besides new stuff. This is probably the last or second to last expansion.

They won't love chinks much longer when China bans all their games soon.

I want to fuck Calia if you catch my drift

china basically owns actiblizz

You mean the fucking core gameplay isn't enough? How about the poor dev communication, terrible profession implementations, and a shit story?


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shut the fuck trumptards, you are fixated with China

This, why would China ban it's own games, makes no sense.

Some people are stuck in the past man, they don't realize blizz is not only dead but it's actually buried at this point.

>living humans are being wiped out in nazi death camps
>oh that's nothing lordaeron is dead it's not my responsibility
>forsaken feel sad because sylvanas is gone
Hypocritical bitch.

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>pre-order anything

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