Game one is fun but ugly

>Game one is fun but ugly
>Sequel is gorgeous with the same mechanics

What's her name Yas Forums?

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pathologic obviously

pokemon just pick a generation



why does she still dress like shit?

>Game 1 has E and Spacebar do something specific
>Game 2 has E and Spacebar reversed so its fucked
>Game 2 has E and Spacebar do nothing

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name 2

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Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 2
Fuck off

She's the same person. Puberty doesn't necessarily change a person's entire nature. Doesn't explain her hair being better though. Honestly, given that I just noticed she's wearing the exact same clothes this might actually be a weird half-complete bimboification thing where the body changed but not the mind.

>Physically pulling shit out of my anus - the post.

Having a better body doesn't mean you're smart about dressing yourself. I've got a big rack but I still dress like shit.

thats 1 you fat retard i asked for 2 examples

>I've got a big rack but I still dress like shit.
Being fat doesn't count.

You asked for two games.

Obligatory tits or GTFO.

Fuck off retard

>name 2
two examples

>game one is ugly

disagree, game one has a more cohesive style compared to game two, game two being nothing but conflicting design choices.

Game one: HL2
Game two: some retarded german """HD""" texture pack

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this meme lost its soul and now its soulless

Jack and Daxter


>he doesn't like his games FULLY MODELED

Come on you attention seeking whore, post your fat tits so I can jerk off already

Mario Sunshine

nintendo's GC games aged like shit graphically

Incels should just kill themselves.

post tits, or GET THE FUCK OFF

left one looks like kirino

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you first

yeah except they ruined parrying in Ds3

>Puberty doesn't necessarily change a person's nature
She could have bought clothes her own size

Anyone who says they have a big rack on an anonymous Internet forum is a fat queer or an attention seeking whore

>game is perfect

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>Game has no gameplay
>Sequel is text based

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What are you talking about NIGGER????
I literally said the two games

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Dude nobody gives a shit, stop trying so hard to fit in

_____ or gtfo