What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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I want Justine to insult me



Is it normal to see foreign-looking lolis walking around in weird costumes in Japan?

They are usually kept on leashes


imagine keeping yourself from going out with the lolis for 80% of the game

They ask you if you have a girlfriend
You can reply "Yes", "No" and "You are my girlfriends"

They're weight lolis. He needs them for lifting.
Common phenomenon in Japan.

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I want to see them being smug after they turn into lavenza and start uncontrollably thirsting for my dick

Lolis not being real is one of the cruelest parts of this existence.

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All the outings they added with them in Royal were pretty great. They had some genuine funny moments to them.

>lolis aren't real
point and laugh at this guy

Speaking of this, does Royal do anything with the workout thing you can do at the cafee? I've done like like 4 times so far and It's pretty much just been the same 5 HP gain.

God please keep me on a leash and walking on all four my little princesses

how am I supposed to make some gains if I didn't get my obligatory weight lolis?

She’s directly telling Persona fans to not be pedos as if that’s gonna stop them from jacking off to lolicon

>guide me inmate

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never played persona but holy BASED
do you get to fuck these lolis?

Nah it is the same. You can take protein and lift at the cafe or the gym and get HP/SP boosts.
They added a temple that you can meditate at.

but only in the Royal Digital Deluxe Edition

>Is it normal to see foreign-looking lolis walking around in weird costumes in Japan?

そうですよ どうして分かりますか

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I mean the content they give you is pretty pointless oh boy skill cards, I’d rather work on my confidants or gym


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But they're not dude

Other than in Akihabara to try to sell you stuff or to lure you into some sort of idol cafe, not really, no. What I saw is a lot of girls going out wearing traditional yukatas at night. Pretty cute.

Nobody likes an ironic lolicon, dear redditor.

Google "Yas Forums television and film"

Is it a waste of time hang out with these cunts or do get anything out of this?

sorry gigachad, I cant read moonrunes

Boners. You get boners.

they want joker to social distance because of covid

I regret doing that


Neither does he. It's an obviously google translated sentence.



Welcome to the list

this will never not be funny


What do you think?

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Fuck you


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How do i make this happening? I have to do the tours of the city with the twins?

Is this on sale yet? If it had come out on PC, would've picked it up full price desu

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i want to fuck these girls so bad bros...

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My wife Lavenza is so cute!

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I'm not clicking that shit

Yeah, and afterwards invite Lavenza

At least i know what to do next ng+.

i had forgotten about this lmao


Redirects to the imdb page of Leon the Professional

why the fuck are the plates only 6kg

Since is not a confidant you upgrade the fact you do stuff with her its purely story-wise or it gives you bonus or other shit?

Did you increase your social stats going to akihabara

They give you some worthless skill cards, but it takes up a timeslot

I don't even mind loli but goddamn whoever wrote these two really comes off like a fucking creep. They push the romantic angle so hard near the end despite the vast majority of interactions with them being completely neutral and non-suggestive.

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