Play Bannerlord

Play Bannerlord

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based playbannerlord poster


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Convince me not to buy it.

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What is this game?

I'll wait until the game is complete before buying it.

cunny mods when ?

I'm playing Starsector while banner is incomplete.

It's in Early Access and the communicative devs have basically said all they have left are small changes and that modders will handle the rest.

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Taleworlds is in Turkey.

Did they buff looters?

I think they just broke auto-resolve in general, I'm getting way more casualties than I should.

Does it come with modding tools ?

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Singleplayer is pretty much boiled down to who has the more battanian Archers or Palatine Guard Archers. Multiplayer is pretty much:
>Command mode
>Who's playing Empire, and how many legionaires can you spam.
>A Clusterfuck where teamwork is as hard to find as G*d is.
>6 v 6 Pvp
>Prepare to have your anus ripped by people who practiced dueling in warband.
>Custom Games
>More Clusterfuck

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>>Play Bannerlord
I am, got 40 hours in and love it

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Are the starting values just random or did a trait do that, a shitload of notables in the game have a starting relationship of -1 with me, and I don't really know why, but it makes getting troops much harder.

Fuck, how the fuck did they not plan seafaring, raids, naval siege, sea battles ect.. So many mods tried to pull it off but now that they have PhysX they only use it for ragdoll what a wasted opportunity.

probably won't until Early Access is done, so it's just going to be tweaks and hacks for the entire next year.

Can someone give me a good rundown on all the formations and their uses

>for the entire next year.
Ah, an optimist.


This is better

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Captain mode isn't that simple. Legionnaires are countered by mass archers or using your own infantry better.
Siege mode is gradually getting better as players learn what they're supposed to do, but it needs more maps and the gate needs to be operated by a crank regardless of how anachronistic it would be.
Biggest thing it lacks in general is dedicated community servers. Fuck this gay matchmaking bullshit, it's such a pointless downgrade from having server browsers.

Infantry only needs shield wall. It's basically just line but clumped up closer. They stand close enough together to trap the current cav ai, making circle and square a bit pointless.

Archers and Cav only need loose. Archers will stand far enough apart so they all fire instead of only the front row like other formations. Cav formation hardly matters, but loose will stop traffic jams while setting them up.


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Well the first version of Mount&Musket came out very soon after Warband's release. I think it wouldn't be too hard to get some basic gunpowder multiplayer mod going, the solo total conversions will take much longer though.

I did the tutorial, now what

Is this just me or did they break the strategy AI? I haven't seen lords use strategies, and when I use the auto-command, all my units just charge.

Default, works for making your units stand where you want them
>Shield wall
Use against archers, but it makes your units keep their shields up so if you want them to move quickly go back to line
>Spread out
To help a small amount of units cover a larger area when you're outnumbered and need your infantry meatshield to be wider. Also helps your archers shoot around each other better sometimes.
Good for infantry dealing with cav
Same as shield wall, but shields in a semicircle instead of a line. Good for packing units tightly for holding areas or hiding them behind cover. Great for holding out against mass archers in Captain Battle.
Only use I've had for this is positioning archers on hills better
For looking cool and helping your units follow you in Captain Battle.
Doesn't work.

>auto command

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