FFBE Wars of the vision


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>twitter link
Literally who care

Why aren't you playing FFT successor?

tactics games are boring

Because it's a pay2win gachashit, fuck off

I'd rather die

Have you even plyed the game??

It really isn't after a month and there is a story mode that give you a lot of rewards

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>No Ultra Rare lolis

Don't give a shit.

I like small chest and big hips and this game delivers that

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>gacha mobileshit
no, i don't play literal garbage


You can play for the story retard
I never spent a cent on this and i'm on whale territory now just by loging one time a day and doing some quest

you play games on your phone. leave Yas Forums faggot

I play it on PC.My phone can't handle it

Do I need to have played brave exvius to understand this?

I'm going to shill this "game" now


Will you no play her game?

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Could you ask before posting pictures of my wife? Thanks.

No it takes place in a very distant past: youtube.com/watch?v=bgut5bvKGBg

Girls in this game have too much ass.

Already taken

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What are you? Gay?

where are the /ss/ doujins

For now, the only link we have between the two game is like, three lines of shady dialogue in WotV, and that one story stage in the FFBE event related to the game where Veritas of the Frost grabbed the armor that gave him a much worse design.

Nowhere, because the doujin money's all in boatsluts and fateshit, and has been that way for the better part of the last five years.

Because it's another one of those fag gachas that force you to buy their currency for summons and punishes you for having/earning the currency by playing the game.

>pay to win
>playing pvp at all
>playing pvp in a SRPG

Nice try shills but the single player has ton of difficulty spike paywalls, get fucked, I ain't paying

Here's a better question.
Can you actually beat the regular FFBE story without spending a dime *AND* without grinding for ages?

>force you
No, you can do without it with ads

Fuck off with your mobage shit. Stay in /vg/, this board is bad enough already.

But you can hire companions if you want to go throught it or just do some xp quest to level up

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play dragalia lost instead, please

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Played it for a few days at launch, it was garbage.

I don't give a shit about your pay2win coombrain garbage skinnerbox, fuck off to /vg/ where you addicted waifufags belong.

Yes because they give the option to hire a companion otherwise you can do subquest in order to level up. Also if you pull Mediena on your first run, the game become really easy in PVE because she's broken right now

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It’s the worst FF mobile game and a total piece of shit

European version when? that begins from the first event please?

Imagine an FF game copying Fire Emblem Heroes AND THE MUSIC isn’t good enough to save it

>this shameless, blatant marketing
>doesn't mention anything about gameplay
>avoiding questions/arguments about pay2win paywalls ingame
>focusing entirely on tits and waifus
This is how you know a game is garbage skinnerbox aiming at coomers.


>If you get lucky with your first gacha shit, it's fine bros, I promise.

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I'm genuinely impressed someone came up with an idea as outrageous as charging people hundreds, thousands of dollars even for literal JPEGs but making said JPEGs cute waifus and that idiots are actually falling for this scam hook, line and sinker.
I congratulate whoever was the first to come up with this idea.
Gameplay, story and music be damned, BUT HEY IT HAS HALF-NAKED WAIFUS, BUY BUY BUY COOM COOM COOM

Copying? Its a reskin of Gumis other game called Alchemist Code. Langrisser is the one copying FEH

I agree

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>guys its not a shitty reskin of Gacha Game X
>it's actually a shitty reskin of Gacha Game Y, can't you tell the difference!?!!?

You have your gambler containment board, fuck off there

>given the proof that you can clear the main story witout paying
>uurd duur paywall

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>you can clear it if you get lucky on the 0,001% gacha roll, see? it's not paywalled!

Yeah, I really wanna talk about generic western trash #45132786414 or hear you talk about ZOOM ETERNAL for the 75618318554th time. Fucking retard.

>complains about Doom Eternal
>plays chink pay2win gachashit

I mean if you get her, but if you don't, you can always become friends with someone who has the character so you can use her. That's how i did before getting her

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1st time hearing abotu FFT?