before these threads devolve into diversity posting and viper dumps, can we talk about the actual gameplay changes?
Advantage and unit turn order mixed together?
More less-leathal options?
Death on ironman means campaign restart?
Xcom thread
Other urls found in this thread:
i still don't know how I feel about the change to turn order
this really seems like one of those changes we're going to have to wait and see on how it plays at release
i hope it turns out well though
There are blacks and women in this game
The horror
xcom 2 shitposts keep the bait away
in a way, either way it's probably good that its this way. I have to assume the reason this is $10 is because its super short and is just a polished beta for 3. they can take feedback from this and decide what to implement or not
I'm kind of optimistic about it- I think it'll add a lot more to the tactical strategy when you have to decide weather to take out a mook whose about to go- or let him get a shot on you in favor of focusing fire on a higher threat.
Battletech played similarly to the new turn order system, and I enjoyed the turn order decisions of what mechs to use and take out first.
It's Doorkickers with an XCOM skin, sounds fun.
I'm not too upset at the ayys, that seems like a logical direction to go after teaming up with the skirmishers in 2 and working with ayys in Apocolypse.
I'm more upset that they went with milk-toast humanoid only ones in your team.
Why the fuck can't I use these guys? Gatekeeprs are MADE for busting down doors/walls/floors
Imagine having a codex dispacher in the precinct, or even on missions to hack!
Floater (either EU/EW or 2 variety) as a light and fast scout around the map that can't really take hits?
Using a gentle giant of a faceless to spend a precious first turn to infiltrate the ao disguised as a civillian or baddie?
Please post snek and not shitposts about diversity or genocide
Have a crossover snek
>generation kill
based, anymore clips like that?
yeah it really seems like a missed opportunity but it seems like they're going with the safest ayyy options for your teammates right now to test how it works i guess
how would a chryssalid work on a police force? i was under the impression that they were just extremely dangerous animals more than anything
would they just be even more dangerous dogs or something?
I don't have anymore xcom shitposted subs, but here's a normal one
>He's indulging in the snek /k/'s fetish for their foreplay
Truly a blessed man.
Lmao imagine being an xcom veteran in this timeline.
Chryssalids would definetly make a terrible addition to a police force, but I don't see why they don't use alien MEC or other similar robots.
wait a second, are you saying this chimera squad game takes place AFTER xcom 2???
i could understand the advent MECs being repurposed, they're just robots after all
imagine something like this but with a sectopod instead of a BTR
r u b8ing me
I've only seen pictures of it. I don't know anything else
it takes place 5 years after XCOM 2
Yes, user. Chimera squad takes place AFTER xcom 2, 5 years after a post-advent world.
All the liberated ayys, no longer mind controled, are kinda stuck on earth with the rest of us and everyone's trying to figure out what to do.
City 31, where XCOM Chimera takes place, is an experimental city to see if humans and ayys can actuall work together.
>The only thing holding a diverse city together is a strong police force.
wtf... I didn't know this game was actually redpilled
fuck i seriously need to mod my XCOM more, after im done with this run ill install this and the meme poses
I still don't get why they didn't just do flat numbers for HP instead of those bars. They weren't even stacked bars like in XCOM EU/EW so you could at least accurately see how much HP was left at a glance.
That voice pack is one of my favorites, good taste.
If you want some woodland operators, here's the copy pasta
Top left Kevlar helmet is from the XCOM EU/EW Ports.
The helmet with goggles is from the CoD combat uniforms pack:
There's an actual PASGAT in there, but it's cover looks way too baggy and I'm not a fan, so I use the french helm with the goggles.
The torso and accessories are a mix of the above Modern Warfare pack and MGSV: BDUs
Camo is United State Woodland m81 from the Military Camoflauge Patterns
Weapons are Resistance Firearms pack:
Protip: use Character Pool Uniforms:
Make one woodland uniform per gender, or multiple if you want a bit of variation. And now new soldiers will generate with said uniform. Mod hasn't been updated since 2016, but still works like a charm. It only doesn't play nice with any other mods that modify or manage uniforms, but if you're using XCOM 2 Mod Manger, it should identify any conflicts like that before you launch.
Imagine long war health bars in xcom 2
A lot of old mods don't work anymore since WoC came out.