>"Thanks for the game, user. I'm really glad I had you on my team and we couldn't have done it without you. I've sent you a friend request."
"Thanks for the game, user. I'm really glad I had you on my team and we couldn't have done it without you...
Online friends are a meme. I had a friend for 7 years and he just stopped replying to me one day, just like that they can cut ties.
>teammate groans into the mic as he orgasms
What's an alternative to Sankaku Complex now that it's going to purge content and has a big list of blocked artist with their content purged?
Every other site i find has less results for the same artists that i search on Sankaku.
Fucking shit sucks for the ecosystem currently.
How fucking retarded are these artists that they don't know that the only reason i manage to find any of them is content being available en masse on a centralized hub where i see descending uploads by date and hour and minute and second?
There's so many artists that it takes a NEET to find any because only NEETs have free time, while those who retarded artists expect to pay for their content aren't NEETs and don't have time to find them sometimes in their entire lifetime of coomery. Artists truly are mental retards.
I'll never accept it
so can people in real life
I would like to fuck Raven
Remember when zone used to do actual animations? Good times
Rule34 xxx used to be good until the mods randomly delete anything they don't like and it's infested with rpers.
I use rule34 xxx but it's kind of shit due to no loli
Is he still doing stuff? its been years since i heard about any of his works.
>"Hey user, I'm visiting your city on the weekend. Want to meet up?"
It amazes me that they're aren't any good Raven focused porn games.
what'S this about a purge?
can i find a summary of what gets thrown out somehwere?
Think he just releases the occasional artwork whilst sucking up subscription money
last thing i saw was that lengthy animation of that chick from that ghostbusters cartoon . no idea when that was
user, you really need to stop taking things personally. They owe you nothing and you owe them nothing too.
I had also people that i regularly hung around with, during my school years, but once you move one you change and simply don't have time for them. Or the bond wasn't that strong and you just don't want to go back. Same with online friends.
Sometimes it just happens that you don't chat regularly for a longer while and just forget to talk to the person. And now feel bad for not doing so, but also don't feel like explaining yourself to a person because you don't want to deal with his reaction to it.
People don't do these things out of spite, it's just neglect and lazieness.
Welcome to the age of copyrighted porn.
This. I do it all the time.
Already tried a few artists, either 0 results compared to Sankaku or again a way lower numbers.
Danbooru too.
Search blocked artists on sankaku and you'll see shitloads now.
They are trying to be Patreon now for artists.
same, got to be over 5 years now.
How do you decline their offer without sounding like a cunt?
I fucking hate Patreon.
rule34.paheal.net is better than rule34.xxx retard
Patreon is why we're in this mess now. Either you pay each of your favorite artists 3 bucks a month, or you get nothing. And fuck all of your faggots who actually pay for it. It's all your fault.
You pretty much can't no matter what you'll say they might think you're lying to them since sorry i have other plans i'm visiting my sick mum/I have too much work or something is simply too convenient and/or shows them that you're not willing to adjust your plans for them.
>early access paid service
Capitalism has gone too far.
You don't. You agree on a meeting place then unfriend them and never show up.
It's not really user.
In terms of webm's for instance or premium pirated pictures rule34.xxx and rule34.pa both have what the other one doesn't and fill each other's lacking content.
I've noticed it from looking up for particular 3D webm content.
not him but I like xxx for more tags. Paheal is just the artist, characters, series, and whether or not its animated
The problem is Pahel they don't have many tags, so you have to actually go pages through page to get through the good shit
Or that their site layout is fucking garbage
But at least they don't have a bot who spams furry porn
Thank God yiff.party exists
Too bad now artist basically mail the images to the people who follow them so you'll either have to find someone who has the image and is generous enough to share it (unlikely) or get blue balled
y-you too
Fuck Gelbooru, let that shit site die