Stopped reading there.
do the npcs even do anything in the game?
gee never seen this joke before
is this gonna be the new DUDE MARIO DOES DRUGS
The punchlike is literally the same as that other one with the woman that gets posted constantly.
Wow, the cat mouth is even in shitty comics?
>Deadbrain person who plays a deadbrain children's game can't pay their bills
Like pottery.
Yeah I've seen a few with the same joke. I wonder if they're doing it ironically at this point.
They draw comics like the one in the OP
>Everything is great!
stopped reading there
>no no, I only play intellectual games for intellectual gamers like myself
stopped reading there
I feel like I've seen this same comic half a dozen times drawn by different people.
Don’t show that to your art teacher in community college user, it’ll go bad for you. Believe me, I can tell.
>implying I read anything like a cuck
it's just another flavor of millennial doomer-lite "humor." DUDE MUH STUDENT LOANS LMAO
>Kra I mer
Your namefag is showing
you guys can see my name??
I can get where they’re coming from there but how’d they have time to make the comic?
idk, i get a feeling webcomic artists really are this fucking depressing
We can also see your IP number
Why don't these people do something about the people keeping the economy fucked instead of making comics about how bad things are.
This describes me frighteningly well so I'm just going to pretend I didn't read it.
I don't want to do medication.
Because they take uppers now, duh.
yeah we can see your name and IP address.
for future reference you have to verify by putting a valid credit card in the name field so that they can verify your not a bot
>I'm a special snowflake loo at me!!
same shit happens to me, I've got a project about making a shitty bank website with accounts and whatnot that we got like a month ago, there's 1 week left and I haven't even started, even when a lot of the time I'm just sitting here I'm my room doing nothing
From all the Ritalin of course.
Yo that is ADHD in a nutshell
It doesn't mean you can't do things at all, it's just time feels off all the time.
What the fuck is wrong with millenials?
Came here to post this, but I did read the rest.
I enjoy this.
Screwed over by the recession and never recovered.
I get it
the cake is a lie!
wise decision, especially not add medication
Dude it sucks. Every time I go to do something that I think takes 15 minutes or feels like that it's actually an hour or something. It's so hard to accurately say how long it takes to do something I do the same thing and always end up super early to places.
anyone else currently the only member of their immediate family not on meds?
ive seen 3 with the same joke
i always do things asap and have a lot of time to spare. what a crybaby
fuck i guess i'm taking pills now
>Buying a switch with the newest games instead of paying your bills
Yep that's about how it goes for people who draw shit like this
I would go see someone for it. Honestly it improved my life.
I wouldn't listen to this guy, if meds would honestly help you this insane fear of them is retarded.
Just take what helps you get by the day.
Based and coompilled
You know what to do.
>tfw this is basically me
post your art
what's this, a how-to for strawmen?
now a recession and a depression
Only women make this comics