Rank the series

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Other urls found in this thread:

Heretic >>>> all

1 > eternal > 2 > 64 > 2016 > 3

Each entry includes all official content based off that entry.

Quake>Quake 3>1>64>wads>2>2016>quake 2>Eternal>3>Quake 4>quake champions

1 > 2 > 3 > nu

64 > 1

doom eternal is the best one

I pretty much like all the classics equally. If we’re being objective I may put Plutonia at the top, I just wish it had original music and more of a color pallet.

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2 with wads > 1 with wads > 1 > 2 > 2016 > 3 > Eternal > uninstall.exe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 64

This as well as Duke 3D>>>>>>>>>>>>> all

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I'm playing Plutonia again and man ... There are some levels that are just terrible. The worst I think is "Speed". There is not a single battle throughout the level that is remotely fun. As Doom is a fun game on its own, you can see the effort that mappers had to make to generate such a terribly bad level.
Plutonia's redemption is the difficulty. Because it is hard, it ends up generating much more satisfaction than the original Doom 2 maps.
There are some good levels too, but Plutonia has definitely aged poorly overall.

Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Doom (2016) > Doom Eternal > 64

Sue me.

>Avactor with plutonia final doomer
>DTWID series with smooth doom
great days

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>Being stuck in small levels figuring out discrete puzzles instead of shooting shit up.


Eternal > 2016 > OG > 64 > Plutonia > 2 > 3 > TNT

Have not yet played 3

Doom 3 and 2016 are the only good doom games

Mind i still liked eternal and 2

1 > 64 > 2 > 3
That's the entire series.

1>2>NuDoom>Doom 3

Haven't played Eternal or 64 yet.

>Doom 3
>Zoom 2016
>Doom 2
>Zoom Eternal

Still haven't gotten around to the latter games, only recently got a source port for Doom Engine. So far:

Heretic E1-3 > Doom II M1-11 = Heretic E5 > Doom E1 = Heretic E4 > Doom II M21-30 = Doom E3 > Doom II Wolf3D maps > Chex Quest = Doom E2 > Doom II M12-20

Excited to try Plutonia, Hexen, 2016, & Eternal.

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why is anyone mentioning nudoom shit? those aren't actual doom games. they're barely even real first person shooters. they're the most casual, embarrassing bottom of the barrel console tripe i've seen in years.

Ew, 18 and up only, leave.

Doom 2 > Doom 1 > FInal Doom > Chex Quest > Brutal Doom > Doom 64 > Doom 3
Chex quest is based. Run it through GZDoom. Plutonia is hard af.

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Cmon, you can't put nudoom over 64 doom. That's blasphemy.

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is this the thread where we circlejerk about how og we are

I used to play old school doom 24/7 and would always play new wads and multi online with friends after school. That was on my old pc, Now I just play the old school dooms on my GBA. Anyone else do the same?

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Get filtered scrub

>Zoom 2016
>Zoom Eternal
>Doom 2
>Chex Quest
>Doom 3

Final Doom is lovely, hard, underappreciated. Anyone who speed runs the game is a based alpha

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I didn't forget 64, I've never played it.

Eternal > 2016

Didn't play the other ones

glad I'm not the only fag on Yas Forums with love for this underrated gem

Doom Eternal > Doom 2016 > everything else

I can understand everything except people who place nuDoom over Eternal. What the fuck do you have to smoke to have such a stupid opinion

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1 > 64 > 2 > 2016 > Eternal > 3

>Doom 2
>Doom 64
>Doom Eternal
>Doom 1
>Doom 2016
>Doom 3

Doom 64 > Doom > Doom2

I've been using GZDoom so far. Chex Quest was solid, some alright level design with a few cool ideas. Short too but that's not a bad thing for what it is. The enemy sound effects were a lot scarier than Doom's for some reason.

doom 1>doom 2>doom 3>doom 4

The green blobs in chex quest have such an uncanny appearance to them that they spook me out way more than the demons in doom, save for maybe a surprise buttsex archville or a revenant in a tight spot with no turning back o_o

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people I know IRL who loved Doom 1 & 2 are all pretty chill dudes who love 2016 and eternal, why is Yas Forums so autistic

>Ew, 18 and up only, leave.
>Brutal Doom

Loud minority, as always. A poll showed that most Yas Forumsirgins liked Eternal. Most of the people shitting on it decided it's shit the moment it was announced. They never planned to give it a chance, they're just here for the shitposting.

What, rather me say grezzo II?

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