Why is Yas Forums so soulless now? We used to like video games.
Why is Yas Forums so soulless now? We used to like video games
t.corporate cocksucker
Because 2016
Haha yes I too miss the good old says when we sent Shekelsteins cards so we could consume more product and get excited for next products
I can only express my love for video game by hating it.
*buys McDonalds*
Yas Forums developed a reputation for being elitist videogame contrarians and now that's all that's left because we pulled those kind of people from reddit
Because Videogames became soulless.
The boards reflect the current state of the industry, western media as a whole is in the shitter, just look to the state of Yas Forums for example.
Zero good movies or tv shows to talk about so its just 100% shitposting.
Yas Forums is the same.
It's just about shitting on retards who still consume this garbage.
>good looking females on Yas Forums
I refuse to believe
Sending that card to Nintendo is the cringiest thing this board has ever done. That, Vivian James and depicting this board as a bald angry man are the three worst things Yas Forums has ever done
>thank you for advertising to us
That Nintendo card will forever be Yas Forums's lowest moment.
i've only been to mcdonalds once in my life, over 20 years ago, and i didnt send them a thank you card afterwards
Because stupid shit like this perpetuates now.
Those are Ninty employees
Influx of normans, redditors and shitbirds obliterated any last semblance of culture that once existed. When the place became maximum cesspool it just got sold into marketing. It's over, Jim.
Also because of people like this guy.
Useless jackasses who can't make a good post to save their life, since they gave up a long time ago to make repetitive memes and be the same angry poster as the other guys in the thread. This place helped make Minecraft big. Think about that
>hating on vivi
fite me
for the record, I don't give a crap about gg
>Influx of normans
As in a norman conquest?
Ah the Nintendo one was pretty fun, actually.
Just as Yas Forums was sucking Nintendo's cock, Treehouse decides to censor everything afterwards.
And then the slurping never ended.
>Valve and Nintendo fanboys
Things really have not changed one bit
No. Not him, but the fact is most good posts get virtually ignored while
>what's her name Yas Forums
>why aren't you playing x game Yas Forums
Gets hundreds of replies.
Why waste time writting out a thoughtful, engaging post when you'll likely get no more than 4 replies (3 of which are just shitposts)?
>hey let’s donate to these feminists to fight these other feminists
What exactly is your point retard? People NEED to eat you know. So even if you type something like "buys at walmart" it produces the same retarded result. No matter what you do you have to buy food regardless.
Should have said *buys apple* or *buys nvidia*.
God why are Nintendotards so retarded.
The industry has been relatively stagnant for most of the decade, and people are more and more looking for instant gratification with quick gameplay loops, games that their favorite e-celeb plays, rather than searching for on their own and developing their own tastes.
It also doesn't help that many of the big name, AAA companies with inherent visibility have been actively shitting the bed, releasing buggy games, whilst implementing money-grubbing schemes in every part of the game they can, so shitters who can't be assed to look beyond surface level games just see that.
On the other hand, Yas Forums has flanderized itself over the years, everyone used to say Yas Forums is just a place to shitpost and be negative, so now it is.
Although the fact that mods don't enforce any rules other than to shit on games that are starting to develop a community on Yas Forums because
>muh generals
is a pretty big contributor to this as well.
Okay well everybody in here still supports corporations with their money.
Turns out, if you post a single thread about your honest thoughts or whatever... nobody cares, it flops.
So, most threads on here are instead regurgitated and spammed throughout the day/week/whatever in hopes this time it gains traction. Maybe a more risky picture, maybe a more inflammatory tone, maybe this or that.
Some people automate this process for whatever reason, other people get mad their threads didn't take off and start becoming yet another useless shitposter screaming into the void
>How dare people have better things to do than write thoughtful and engaging posts about fucking video games omfg why do they reply to these fucking coomer threads instead why haven't they castrated themselves like me
Holy brainlet
what part of "I don't give a crap about gg" didn't you get?
The industry is soulless.
Um apple is food you retard
this is the dumbest graph ever
holy fuck
WHEN DID Yas Forums ALLOW MOBILE MODE HM?! you fucking drooling retard
Speak for yourself, consumer.
Ever noticed when Yas Forums sends a card something bad always happens to the who they're sending it too?
Yas Forums tucking killer Iwata.
I'm an American and I've never stepped inside a walmart in my life.
speak for yourself, retard
I pirate the fuck of your shitty industry now
Exactly. Also, I believe that thanks to 2016 the average collective age of the board's population has gone way down. Likely a lot more kids here than we had pre-2016.
Imagine being as jaded as the people in this thread. Life seriously isn't this horrible, just fucking go outside and breath in the fresh air and think about why you need to spend all your life screaming at people on the internet.
>breath in the fresh air
With shitskins? No thank you
>why you need to spend all your life screaming at people on the internet.
See above
2015-2017 was when there was tremendous media play and stigma online that this place is exclusively for hyperactive autistic obsessive memers (one of their first memes being gobak2redit, which became so pushed that they literally added a spam filter for the phrase)
It definitely wound up pushing away a lot of our more sane regulars, because who wants to deal with a bunch of literal screaming kids? Nobody, not even their own parents hence why they're on Yas Forums screeching for attention
this place has always been full of kids
you just didnt notice because you were a kid yourself
They weren't here. They can only look back and hate the things they were not a part of.
If this was remade today, it would be a picture of all the ports switch owners are demanding.
Get help.
because Steam Cucks