FromSoftware's absolutely abysmal hitboxes

>game gets memed as le difficult
>it's actually easy 90% of the time but there's artificial difficulty in one hit kill attacks with dogshit hitboxes
How does shit like and get a pass and even win GOTY awards when far better made games don't get nearly the same amount of praise?
I'd understand if games media fell for this kind of retardation, but Yas Forums? There are people here who's only sense of identity is their taste in videogames and even they praise it.
Is this the power of marketing? Tell retards it's "challenging" and for 1337 gamers only and le difficult and they'll pretend they enjoyed it like it's some kind of emperor's new clothes type scenario?

Attached: 1586995876585.jpg (1280x720, 50.72K)

And I can show you many webms that showcase how Sekiro’s hitboxes are some of the best and tightest. Git gud seething bloodbrony

All your complaints could be solved by git gud.

Sekiro has other problems, like being so incredibly easy that anyone having problems with is has to be fucking with us.

>this one early game enemy has one attack with a shitty hitbox so the whole game is shit

The only problem Sekiro had was no character customization and no invasions.

The ogre is meant to teach you that cheese is a completely viable strategy as a Shinobi by abusing its weakness to fire and that grabs are some of the most deadly moves in the game since they can't be countered like thrusts and sweeps.

The second clip is just the guy being a shitter though.

>see the enemy is attacking
>enemy doesn't even touch you
>still take damage
>this is fine because most of the game is easy
You act like a game only has problems if they stop you from beating the game, yes you can beat those bosses but it's still bullshit, unfair and not fun to get hit by an attack that you clearly dodged and "you can get past that boss" isn't an excuse for poor game design.
ANY other studio wouldn't get away wit it but fromsoftware drones will insist that there's nothing wrong with dogshit hitboxes like these.

Its harder than the Souls games by a country mile. What game even comes close? In the other games they've made all the parts with comparable difficulty to Sekiro are all in the DLC. Sekiro also gets even harder if you do a no charm/bell run.

what you said is irrelevant
he dodged the grab
still got grabbed even though he was nowhere near the enemy's hands

hurr durr, have you considered that maybe you're just bad?

>it's Hitbox autist again
you are complaining about a grab because instead of running away, you probably trying to sidestep
grabs usually have a 180 degree reach

Hitboxes are only good when they're good RELIABLY
a car that bursts into flames 1/100 times you start it is a shitty car no matter how well it runs the other 99% of the time

>first sentence
Average-quality meme, but overused.

>you're complaining about bad hitbozes but grabs have bad hitboxes, checkmate

have you considered the programmers are bad at hit detection?

2 cherry picked examples wont relive you of your duty to finish this game.

Get back to work buddy, there is no excuse, you either beat it or you are shit at video games :)

lol retard

Emperor's new clothes.

>game gives you a grappling hook
>can't use it in combat because if they swing at the air below you you still get hit
great game

Ds2>Ds1>Ds3>Demon Souls>BB>Sekiro

How is that an excuse?
Either make it so that the animation match the hitbox or change the hitbox, what you're telling me is that they're just drawing a half-cilinder around the enemy and calling it a day, you seriously telling me that's good game design to you?

No, it's clearly a (You) problem since everybody else aside from you managed to beat the game and enjoy it without throwing a tantrum.

Soultards will never listen to you because they fell for marketing. In any other action game this would be a major problem and complained about/accepted. Much like how nier automata's hitboxes are BS. But soulstards can't fathom criticism, just eating new products.

angry shitter spotted

>lets prove his point right
heavy thinkers soulstards.

>noone else on the entire internet is complaining about the hitboxes
and I didn't mention not being able to beat the game or anything of that kind, that's pure projection on your part

Game is trash

sure buddy, pure projection, that's why you are complaining here like an angry child, because you have no problem with progressing in the game whatsoever

>car analogy

>the only reason anyone would ever complain about an aspect of a videogame is because they can't complete it

You're not supposed to dodge. Everything you say just reinforces how shit you are at the game.

a videogame that formats tour harddrive 1/100 times it boots is still bad no matter how fine it runs the other 99% of the time

classic shit in Souls:

>walls and pillars block player's attacks
>walls and pillars don't block ennemies' attacks

then why is the dodge move in the game?
the examples in the OP include an attack that cannot be blocked or countered, only dodged

>bruh the game is SUPPOSED to have shit design!

the average car does not burst in flames and the average videogame does not format your harddrive
the average videogame hitbox on the other hand is reliably shit, in sekiro it's reliably good with few exceptions

>You're not supposed to dodge.
Yeah retard don't dodge the ogre's grab
You didn't even play the game, did you

If an enemy is twice your height and stretches his arms to the side of his body and instead of running backwards, you dodge into him or to his side that's just your stupidity, it's fine if you do it once or twice, but you should learn this game is trying to tell you not to sidestep like you do in dark souls

>walk up to a wall
>fall through the map
>make a thread
>hurr dude you're just bad you're not supposed to touch the walls :)

Name 3 non-DLC bosses from the other Souls games that come close to being as difficult as Isshin.

>every other game is shit, so that excuses this game being shit
Every other game doesn't have you die in a couple of hits, either. Getting hit in Sekiro is far more punishing.


>artificial difficulty

I don't know anymore what is meme and what is real

>1 year later
>still goty
>still generating salt

Attached: Sekiro GOTY.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

this isn't an average game, it has flaws the average game doesn't have


It is actually difficult because your timing does need to be nearly fighting game precise.
The lore is interesting, the characters are cool, the design is pree good.
My only complaint is that Wolf himself doesn’t get a lot of development but besides that I actually really enjoy this game. Replay it all the time, cause I like it that much. Get buttflustered you trash taste autist.