Do streamers need your consent in order to stream you?

Sorry for topic about streamers, but I think this is the best board for this topic unforutnately. Do streamers need your consent in order to stream you? Like if a streamer joins your game, why do they get to stream what you are doing for free without even having to ask? I've never been in this situation but streamers piss me off and it doesn't seem right.

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You're right... you're absolutely fucking right. I'm... I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna fucking send a letter to my congressman RIGHT NOW.

Just spam nigger and than go to their twitch page and report them for racism

Yeah of course i don't want some retard showing me off to his e-friends

Law would only empower you if you physically were being displayed without your consent. For anything else law hasn't caught up with zoomer trends

Why sarcastic? I think its a legitimate question. It's like you are working for free for them, a character in their show. It doesn't seem right.

Depends on the games terms of agreement.
But it feels strange to play multiplayer games while you don't want others to see you.
You don't ask for other players consent if your mom enters your room and watches you play.

No, they don't. There is no breach of privacy since everything happens digitally and in a public space.

>play Diablo 3 around the time of expansion release
>play HC in pubs
>great community, no shitters, everyone's looking for each other
>play with a streamer who advertises his twitch channel
>game immediately turns into cancerous clown fiesta with reports flying around
Simply based on this I think it'd be great if streaming was disincentivized.

Actually it's also a private company
Checkmate law fags

>Like if a streamer joins your game, why do they get to stream what you are doing for free without even having to ask?
They don't in most parts of the world, since they're using your voice and your persona for commercial purposes. Twitch even tells you that you need to tell everyone who can be heard on your stream that you are streaming them.

I don't think anybody has sued someone for it yet though. It's the same stuff with IRL streaming. Technically you need a filming permit when you're streaming in public, but only a handful of streamers were actually reprimanded about it

> But it feels strange to play multiplayer games while you don't want others to see you.
> You don't ask for other players consent if your mom enters your room and watches you play.
As I said, its more about a streamer making money in part because of you. You should be compensated for appearing in their stream.

You might be able to sue them for a share if they monetize their content and it visibly depends on your participation.

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streamers are trash and once there is no money attached watch how much they love streaming then.
I think this could have legs.

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Same thing happens to youtubers, they lose all of those views, suck it up buttercup it's called fair use

I'm not raising concerns about a privacy issue, its what said:
> They don't in most parts of the world, since they're using your voice and your persona for commercial purposes.

>the internet
>public space

I can't tell if you're actually retarded or if you're trolling.

I really wished every streamer that does it for a living goes broke , but how will they? They make what? 200k a year? Average life span of a pro streamer is 3-4 years? Thats 800k they make and they save that and be set for the rest of their life. Its not fair bros. I want them to be poor and beg in the streets for money.

Maybe its time to figure out how we can fuck with their money on this level then. Like on hidden camera TV shows and stuff all those people who appear in the show get paid I'm pretty sure. It seems to be the same thing, if you appear in a streamers stream, you should be getting paid for them to use your gameplay / personality in their stream, even if its minute.

You own the copyright to your voice clips if they're being used in a video. Dunno about everything else.

This sounds like the same sort of problem as people seeing and/or filming what you do in a public space. I guess laws about that might vary by region/country, though I don't think such laws would apply to games anyway. Personally I don't really like it but at the same time I don't think there's objectively anything wrong with it, I always work with the assumption that I have no expectation of privacy if I'm in a public space and that would include game servers open to the public as well.

>You should be compensated for appearing in their stream.
The world doesn't work like that. You are merely passively contributing to the streamer's success. You aren't being deprived of anything, thus are not entitled to anything.

Actually it wouldn't and won't ever. Whatever game you are playing online, it's obviously accessible to the public so the same first amendment that lets people just film anyone out in the street without needing consent would also apply. Unless they join you on a private server, in which case you could kick them.

>Technically you need a filming permit when you're streaming in public, but only a handful of streamers were actually reprimanded about it
What kind of a 3rd world shithole country do you live in?

>Whatever game you are playing online, it's obviously accessible to the public so the same first amendment that lets people just film anyone out in the street without needing consent would also apply.

Filming for personal use and filming for commercial use are two very different things though. You can't film a bunch of people in public and then sell that material. Streamers are making money off your gameplay.

>You aren't being deprived of anything, thus are not entitled to anything.
I keep telling that to all corporate shills but they still call me a pirate. What a buch of weirdos.

Yo what's good Low Tier God

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>You can't film a bunch of people in public and then sell that material.
You literally can and don't require any sort of permit. That's how 99% of b-roll footage is filmed and it's then sold afterwards to news outlets.

if you ever happened to find yourself in a game with a streamer, you should not hesitate to express your displeasure with african americans through the use of the word "nigger", repeating it loud and proud so the streamer understands the level of your predicament

What EVERYONE SHOULD DO when faced with a twitch streamer:

Got this from SwoleBenji's discord.

IMO if you want to stream, stream on youtube. Biggest audience, easy way to get donations, actual DISCOVERY ALGORITHMS so you aren't streaming to a void, no feminist twitch bullshit. Can say nigger all day and vod only gets deleted. It's the right winged choice.

Corporations are deprived of potential sales.
You are also using their work to infringe on established copyright.

Im surprised companies havent changed terms of services so streamers have to pay them to use game footage.

Just leave the game you fucking idiot.

Careful now. Streamers are a protected class of gamers.

Devs will always take a streamers side, and even websites like twitter will ban you if you post a clip of you owning a streamer.
First I wet my lips and she starts feelin' hot.
The simps and white knights start getting upset at my advances.
CockJuicer (Me) revealed. The girl claims to only have juiced one cock.

After the raid lead / healer wiped due to afking to ban me, the girls start getting upset. BigNig comes back and asserts his dominance.

I wasn't even in this raid and they kicked a few dudes from their pug thinking I was them lol. It was just a twitch stream who had his chat open and they posted a discord link in the raid chat.

Any other lads love harassing girl gamers?

problem solved

back up this claim? that doesn't jive with what i've heard

it's a funny topic since if somebody argues that since it's public space therefore they are allowed to record and you are not entitled to privacy, it also implies that since it is a public space you ought to be able to call people niggers left and right
but we know that is not true since they are not public spaces but private platforms where the company that owns it makes the rules
so saying whatever you want is off the table
but that's puts the whole thing in a funny place where the companies more often than not take the side of the streamer and their privilege to record when it benefits them sacrificing the privacy of others and there's not much you can do about it

I can't give you a source that says it's legal, there's no such thing for anything. But try to find a law that says you can't sell videos you acquired in public, you won't be able too. The most you'll find in regards to permits is for stuff that's not the actual video, like setting up a film set obviously requires a permit since you block some places. But if you're just 1 dude with a camera/phone, you can film anything you can see from public(yes that includes private spaces seen from public, for example I could film you in your own house from the street if you don't have blinds and there's nothing you can do about it) and use the footage in whatever way you see fit.

If we apply the public vs private property rule, it's obviously private. However it's not your property and you still have no expectation of privacy there so anyone can stream you. It's like if you were at a sport event in a stadium, it's private property but unless the owner of the stadium states no filming you can't do shit about it besides leaving if you don't want to be filmed.

You can film in the middle of a 7-11 no problem so long as the manager doesn't tell you to fuck off, why would a server be any different? Just leave the game if you don't want the streamer there, not hard.

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