How are you holding up ps3 bros? What are you all playing? I just ordered evil within...

How are you holding up ps3 bros? What are you all playing? I just ordered evil within. Never played it before but I heard the ps3 version was actually pretty decent. Might get bioshock on Ebay next because I only played like 2 hours of it 10 years ago and dont remember anything but have heard nothing but great things. What about you guys?

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Why are you not installing CFW or Hen and play games for free?

>gen 8 game on gen 7 console
why do you hate yourself

Evil within is literally a gen 7 game ported to gen 8 consoles

I haven't played a game in my PS3 in ages. It's just a media center now that plays DVDs, Blurays, and streams.

I like having the cases. They're cheap on Ebay so idc

working on FF Origins collection and MGS HD collection

PS3 is the worst. Technology was just not there for the graphics they were going for so every game is a 5-10 FPS mess

shadow of the colossus was gen 6 ported to gen 7 and no one will tell you to play the ps2 version

How hard is it to install cfw on a currently updated ps3?

The ps3 is my only console and I have no PC.

i forget if i had two or three ps3s but they were all cursed and now i have zero

why do you write as if we were in 2010?

not hard at all

>this is what poor people believed.

Playstaytion? haha more like NIGGERSTATION

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Plan on finally finishing Persona 3 after starting it 7 years ago. Might play Godhand. Probably gonna play the PS3 Ratchet and Clank games too

Now that RPCS3 plays most of my exclusives well, I haven't seen a reason to plug in my PS3 anymore other than to transfer my saves over.

>hack PS3
>before I install anything, play (dad) Nier that I had in a backlog for a while
>finish it
>go play brother nier translation
>realize it's just the same fucking text with "dad" changed to "brother"
>scour sites for ps3 games
>super slim so can't play PS2 natively
Well shit now what?

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Ratchet and Clank

How do you mean?
How do like persona 3? I have persona 4 downloaded but fuck I just couldnt get into it. It was too slow pace for me and honestly just not very fun. I reccomend tools of destruction or a crack in time for ratchet & clank. I honestly think the ps3 games are better than the ps2 ones.

>no games

PS3 Exclusives Games:

The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Yakuza 3, 4 and 5
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk
Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match
Demon's Souls
Gran Turismo 6
InFAMOUS Collection
Katamari Forever
Killzone Trilogy or KZ3
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Ridge Racer 7
Siren: Blood Curse
Tales of Xillia
Tomb Raider Trilogy
Twisted Metal
White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2
Drakengard 3
Genji: Days of the Blade
Last Rebellion
Time and Eternity
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

PS3 and Xbox360 only:

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
Afro Samurai
Army of Two
Asura's Wrath
Battlefield: Bad Company
Blood Drive
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Enchanted Arms
Eternal Sonata
Fairytail Fights
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage
Golden Axe: Beast Rider
Lollipop Chainsaw
Midnight Club: Los Angeles
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Quantum Theory
The Bourne Conspiracy
Shadows of the Damned
Ski-Doo: Snowmobile Challenge
Stuntman: Ignition
Tekken 6
Wipeout 2
Enchanted Arms

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you can emulate ps2 games on super slim. a decent size of games are playable. i played hours of ssx tricky on mines without issue.

Play Modnation Racers

Great game. Shame that we'll never get a sequel

I played the crap out of it when it first came out. It was good comfy fun when the servers were up and lively. (I'm assuming their down now)

better to get a ps4 at this point, all the best exclusives have already been remastered

the exclusives that remained on the ps3 are not that great to warrant buying an old console

but i guess if its cheap enough...

Depending on wether or not your system is eligible for actually installing CFW (all fat and ~95% of slim models), it's extremely easy. If you have a superslim you can only install HEN I believe and I have never done that, so I can't speak on that. In a way hacking a PS3 is almost easier than installing games on it after you hack it. It's THAT easy.

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xillia 1+2 are the best jrpgs on ps3 and are still exclusive

>better to get a ps4 at this point, all the best exclusives have already been remastered
I'm waiting on ps5 to play the few ps4 games I want to play. (RE2, DMC5, Gravity Rush 2, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.)

Theres literally no point in buying a ps4 now. The reason why I'm stuck with a ps3 to begin with is because I got bored of gaming in 2014 and sold my ps4 then. Only got back into it all last year so the jump in graphical and framerate difference will be a pleasant surprise for me on ps5.

The ones I wanted were the ace combat games, which don't run well if at all.

what's wrong with your hand?

why are you black?

5 and zero work fine with a fix. 4 is too buggy though.

PS2 bros assemble
You still have your PS2 and play games on it right?

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PS3 sucked, especially in hindsight where DeS is the only significant game not available on better systems now. I only use mine for PS1 backwards compatibility with Rival Schools 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2/3 and CDs these days.

It's a movie player and mgs machine for me. Which is better than my 360, which I have no desire to ever plug back in.

you can always resell the PS4 and use that money to buy a PS5, its not like you'll always be stuck with it

why wait 7 months to play games when you can play them now?

>mfw the XboneX looks like a PS2 but way sleeker
Almost makes me want to buy one until I realize I don't really care for any of the exclusives they've got.

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