Play resident evil resistance

Play resident evil resistance

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I don't pay for games.

Not until they patch the game to fix the bad matchmaking, balancing, and bugs.

it's funny how the devs for resistance put more effort into this than the b team for remake 3.

Why is Valerie so smug bros?

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A team made RE7
B team made RE2
RE3 was outsourced
A team is working on RE8

Kek no. I make it my life's goal to leave Resistance at 0 min played on Steam until the end of times. Will never touch that piece of shit game after the 3 rounds I did in beta.

No need to plead user. We're on our way up regardless.

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Which team is working on RE4 remake?

RER2-3 teams

>Online autism
Nope i rather spend my own autism getting better at speed running RE3R. btw that costume for the game that people actually wanted to play, When ?

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>60k peak RE3 players on Steam
>4k all time peak for Resistance.
>"we're on our way up"

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>AAA title
>2k concurrent players on a major platform
I-i'm sorry user

Woah, they added Alice to a RE game?

Will be dead in a week.
> Dead by daylight
> left 4 dead

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Also who's the guy with glasses? Yong wesker?

Does Jill have canon pubes like the other girls

>60k peak RE3 players on Steam

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Because they're not actual Capcom employees, so they're fans of the series and don't treat it like "just another job" like others have done. They put lots of fun references and other things into Resistance for themselves and other fans to enjoy, while we're lucky to get even a tiny bit of cheese in RE2 remake when Leon breaks the bell and hopes he doesn't have to fill out an accident report.

Given that they had to import her model from 3, I doubt it. No reason to have a full model scan in this situation.

shitter alert

desu 90% of the players don't know they own resistance, cpacom even made a post saying "yooo guys... remember you have resistance too", it was pretty funny.
This is wrong, I remember re3 having at least 50k during release

When survivors shoot explosives, they should just get disabled, they shouldn't explode all the other traps because this shit makes playing as Alex completely useless

https ://

just turn the lights off bro

If only that did anything, turning the lights off should negate Valeries wallhack

Well that isn't so bad. I hope they add DLC if it sold almost as much as RE2R. Making the survivors be able to play the main campaign could be also cool.

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>1.9k players

I actually get games quite fast as a mastermind main

By fast I mean an average of 4-5 minutes

I also only get matched with tryhard russians now, so that's annoying

Game is way more alive on consoles but way more unplayable, even ignoring the >controller problem. 9/10 games as survivor have laggy as shit Masterminds (I've had a single laggy game on PC), and the framerate is absolutely horrendous. Sub-30 at all times, dips into the single shits if an entire room is packed

Easy to say when the numbers aren't made available on consoles.

>MM wait time on PC: 3-5 minutes
>survivor wait time on PC: 2-3 minutes
>MM wait time on console: 30 seconds
>survivor wait time on console: 5-10 seconds

why do PCbros hate resistance?


cosmetics take too long to unlock or just unlock it in a minute with cheat engine, no push to talk for ingame chat and open mic is cancer for gaming, cheaters and a low player base means running into the same people often enough. the lag on MM makes it impossible sometimes

>queue into game
>level 999 players

no, i don't think i will.

>queue into game
>rank 117 january
This is not a cheater, just a pure dedicated waifufag (worse than a cheater)

Soon. And it will even have crossplay so it won't inevitably die like REsistance.

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>lagswitching mastermind every game
fuck capcom