Why is post-soviet architecture so efficient in horror settings ?

why is post-soviet architecture so efficient in horror settings ?

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what architecture isnt effective in horror setting?

because its just shit thats abandoned usually

Because Marxism in all of it's forms is pure misanthropy, and even their architecture reflects that. Socialist architecture despised all elements that would make it more humane, more pleasant to actually inhabit. Not to mention the demoralization of the public, and the massive economic inefficiencies further made everything look off: poorly made, poorly maintained, out of place, shoddy in some regards.

That is a major part of the melancholy of east-european environments that so many games (not just horrors, even games like Half-life 2) capitalize on. And why it is so easy to use it as a backbone of horror, dystopian or post-apocalyptic environments.

Also, the propagandistic image that the west has been building that intentionally further build up the "mystery" of post-socialist countries did help too.

3rd post best post

Americans really are retarded

No you tard, it's because they were cheaply erected for immediate use with minimal afterthought about long-term care and sustainability.


Paranoia was such a good fucking mod.


>Americans really are retarded
What does America have to do with any of this?

So... exactly what I said?


It’s terrible education system has everything to do with why its citizens are retarded. Your post is retarded and obviously American and I simply commented as such. It’s very obvious when you throw around words like Marxist and socialist to mean “that thing I don’t like”.

>Your post is retarded and obviously American and I simply commented as such. It’s very obvious when you throw around words like Marxist and socialist to mean “that thing I don’t like”.
I was born into a socialist regime in eastern europe, and while I eventually gained education around the world, it's there where I spend most of my life. I have also been absolutely fascinated with socialism and everything related to that since a very early age, to a point where I chose my education and career related to it.
Let me guess: projecting? You are actually american yourself and really, really want to divert attention from it?

Because it's horror in real life.

only for americans and western EU
as someone who grew up in central-eastern EU i feel right at home in post-soviet architecture

Cope post to avoid the reality that you are American

I see you are just full or powerful argumentation there. Seriously: What even compells you to post tripe like this? You do realize that not replaying at all would be more dignified, right?

Cope post

because russia is a nightmarish hellhole

because it was built to be cheap and functional, without distractions and ornaments

That is not actually entirely true. Ever heard of the 4% law?

good times create weak men

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At least I'm not a poo
t. ruski

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Kill yourself tripfag

Not only horror settings

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The other guy is absolutely correct.
While being kinda industrial, Marxist architecture has produced some genuinely nice stuff.
The former GDR commieblocks in my neighbourhood are unitronically of better quality than the profit optimized garbage concrete huts neoliberals are throwing up.

Sure, Romania , former Yugslavia etc. look like absolute shit, but that has more to do with them being drunkard gypsies than socialism in itself, Balkans have looked dystopian ever since the Romans left and stoppd providing civilation and humanity to them.


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Central asians btfo

it can be unsettling if you make it ominous and creepy

Paranoia 2 was terrible though.

>While being kinda industrial, Marxist architecture has produced some genuinely nice stuff.
You have either never lived in them, or you are genuinely delusional. And I can say that as someone who has lives both in housings that were considered the pride of the socialist regime, and in the "profit-optimized concrete huts", which is really a funny complaint, by the way, considering that concrete huts were the absolute staple of socialist architecture, and something most countries quickly moved away from when they had the chance - except for morons who are still trying to keep the marxist "dream" alive.

have you lived in either of them?

not made by the same team and it show

being a pooskin is a different kind of hell, they use the rivers as garbage dumps

Yes. Fun fact, I have actually rented out a flat in pic related for four months. In case you never heard of it, it was widely considered one of the greatest achievements of socialist architecture, so fucking prized that Le Corbusier himself came to admire it and praised it like a mad man.

I have lived in the classic "undignified rabbit pens, slated for liquidation" panel house block for fifteen years, it's where I grew up, and where most of my family and relatives still live. I have also lived in "normalized" blocks of flat predating the communist regime, travelled all over the world, including living in Japanese panel houses from 70's for four more years, and on the Paris outskirts.
I move on average every two or three years, so yeah, I've experienced post-socialist architecture very intimately too. I can compare. I've even wrote several articles on the subject, and co-authored several more with my brother, who happens to be an architect.

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ahahahah wtf is up with american posters
how does this not have more replies

fuuuuuckin cozy bros...