Is this the absolute peak of western RPGs?

What else even comes close?

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i like divinity


2 was better

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The Witcher 3

yes, it is, niggas will say otherwise but no other game story felt as personal as this one

Lol you fucking madman.

2 is way better than people say it is.

funniest shit I've seen all day. broken ass game by nu-BioWare is the peak of Western RPGs? shitposters, take note. THIS is how you do it!
also peak was Fallout 1 - cry harder

It's one of the many games that made me drop FF series games for awhile and made me play through the whole yard interested. Its Adult Tone/Mature themes as well as its Dark and Gritiness tone kept me going. Not many games due that for me other than (Elder Scroll, Witcher 3). So yes it was good.

t. FF player (Who played Xenogears and Xenosaga)

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Jade Empire was their peak honestly

i played this game many times on xbox 360 but this is my first PC playthrough. so much better here with hotkeys and such. love this game so much.

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Baldurs Gate 2, Planescape Torment. Thats the best "modern" one though

The way it implemented its karma system was trash though.
Instead of being actual philosophy shit involving "diplomacy and peace vs conflict and decisive action", it was basically just "be good vs be bad"

It's one of the last true RPGs


Take your meds...

imagine playing 2D isoshit games in 2020

This game is ruined by exploits.

Visual being a zoomer degenerate thinking Bioware great game was this trash....

You sound like a wearable dude that haven't scope far enough into the games.
And Witcher 3 and Elder Scroll is way better than Dragon Age by a huge mile


Dragon Age Origins and Neverwinter Nights 2 are the two games I make a point of replaying annually.
Now I added pathfinder Kingmaker to that list.

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Only zoomers think like this. DAO is just casual shit you younglings.

what kind of exploits

Mass Effect 2 is much better

2 is a mixed bag because it had a really novel premise and some strong character writing but dev-time was rushed in nearly every facet.

It's one of those game where I'll always dream of a Director's Cut that will never happen.

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you make brainlets look like Einstein

I want to replay it until I realize the sequels fucked everything up and the main villain of the series is some edgelord from Hot Topic

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Planescape: Torment and Planescape: Torment Jr. aka Mask of the Betrayer
And KotOR2 I guess

I love VTMB to death. Even if the combat sections at the end are a 90 degree drop in quality.

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So what are the definitive must play CRPGs and WRPGs?
>Always talked about "classics"
Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
Dragon Age Origins
Jade Empire
KOTOR 1 and 2
Planescape Torment
Mass Effect
Witcher 1
Never Winter Nights
Fallout 1 and 2
Icewind Dale
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Deus Ex

>Modern day shit everyone cums over
Divinity Origins 1 and 2
Pillars of Eternity
Age of Decadence
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Disco Elysium
Kingdom Come Deliverance

>Eurojank everyone recommends but no one talks about
Gothic 1 and 2

>Normie shit
Witcher 3
All Elder Scrolls games, including Morrowind
Fable games
Most action and loot based RPGs released in the past 10 years

Is this pretty much correct?

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cory's not the main baddy, he's a pawn

Disco Elysium makes me happy.

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Everyone that says this probably played 2 first cause it was a downgrade in every way

Not even fucking close.

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Uh Fallout 1?

Looks like an MMO from 2005

I wouldn't call him the main villain of the series, he's just a prick that basically jumped out of biblical times with a desperate desire for power. Just a shame that he took center stage of DA3 where he had only one cool encounter in the whole game.

If anything Solas is a more prominent threat than he is.

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This is your brain on Hamburger helper

The main villain is in your party