Post vidya characters that look similar to you IRL

Pic related for me.

Attached: 154869042912304.png (232x232, 69.83K)

you are not a woman

The character posted is not a woman either.

Fuck off.

gay and a faggot

Attached: qdy9abgl9fv21.png (1024x898, 1.13M)

That's all it'll ever be, tranny.

Attached: WallPaintingTomb_Paestum_Italy_GreekColony_sm.jpg (1497x885, 1.66M)

Attached: F.E.A.R._-_Norton_Mapes_(1).png (2048x1152, 2.15M)

It's a female

Attached: florida-man.jpg (1152x1536, 222.57K)

I hate niggers too

Attached: 584ED35E-53BB-48C8-81DA-C2A07F42ED5E.jpg (750x749, 393.08K)

how unique, you'll stand out here

Attached: 601px-Hastaquelleg2.jpg (601x255, 65.23K)

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 141.37K)

Attached: 1586914275174.jpg (450x495, 38.21K)


Attached: link 2.jpg (564x820, 61.47K)

Attached: 5804966-2442220-armstrong002.jpg (1920x1080, 228.39K)

closet thing, minus the hair being so long and the earring.

Attached: Biggs_FFVII_Remake.png (363x1209, 126.41K)

Attached: 1558765682278.jpg (900x1285, 149.45K)

I guess it doesnt help how asians really do all look alike

Attached: 2182327-sleeping_dogs_story_trailer.jpg (480x270, 10.28K)


Attached: MrLibido.png (435x419, 257.3K)


Attached: 1574423861756.jpg (1280x720, 116.52K)

Hi Charlie Sheen

Attached: yourownfaultbitch.jpg (500x707, 252.12K)

PLEASE be in Ginza

Attached: 56F43BCA-0498-4A59-B67F-6737854C18EF.png (250x250, 62.1K)

Me too Hari shut

Attached: 1496772300085.gif (500x281, 1019.5K)

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x384, 58.29K)

Attached: 1557682458333.png (820x1120, 1.74M)

Attached: MV5BNjU4MzI1MzctN2MyOS00NmQ4LWE5YWEtZDQyNWVmNjYwNTA1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQ0NDUwOTE@._V1_.jpg (625x344, 60.68K)


Attached: gawgysc44p431.jpg (1177x650, 94.73K)

Attached: ss2017-11-14at10.47.32.jpg (598x939, 107.81K)

Naoto resembles me so much it's uncanny.

Attached: naoto-shirogane-persona4.png (430x1056, 174.65K)