Why are Fallout 1 and 2 fans especially autistic?

Why are Fallout 1 and 2 fans especially autistic?

There were many superior CRPGs back in that era (Planescape, Arcanum, Baldur's Gate 2 etc), but the fans of those games don't seem as autistic and insane as Fallout 1 and 2 fans.


Attached: Fallout-2-A-Post-Nuclear-Role-Playing-Game-Cover.jpg (650x914, 374.32K)

>There were many superior CRPGs back in that era
instant sign of a shit thread

I liked that I had the option to shoot dudes in the dick for crit damage. It also had a funny description of the damage that was dealt. I miss it.

Sorry, I'm well aware that games with lots of Monty Python references, fourth wall breaking "humor" and proto-meme'ing in fact have really "deep lore" that is sacrosanct and needs to be protected.

>Muh 50s Americana kitsch
>Muh gritty porn shoot quests and killing kids
This is what it boils down to with Fallout 1 and 2 fans. They were 8/10 games and they've been elevated to the status of greatest CRPGs ever made by a bunch of autistic, genuinely insane retards from NMA.

no way is arcanum or planescape better than fallout when no one actually likes the combat in those games

Arcanum, Planescape and BG2 weren't raped by Bethesda.

They're autistic cause they couldn't keep up with the times. With the closure of black isle and the sale of fallout to bethesda it was clear change was coming, but yet they still pine in the year 2020 for the unreleased van buren, for the stellar writing of fallout 1 and 2, and the unmatched gameplay that's never again been seen by mankind.

It's because Autists literally can't handle change.

Fallout 3 and Fallout NV are good games. They're not the best RPGs ever made by any means, but then again neither were 1 and 2.

It's one of those aspiecore games where all flaws are ignored or filled in with literal headcanon. Similar to Morrowind.

NV wasn't made by Bethesda. And F3 is one of the worst games I've played in my life.

You didn't provide any support to your claim. Why fans are "autistic" and give me an example. I love them as much as arcanum and other crpgs

I just hate pseudo fans.
>some Fallout 1 and 2 "purist" fan blows up about 76 because apparently breaking into a vault is a gigantic blasphemy that Bethesda never should've committed
>casually mention that raiders have raided vaults since Fallout 2, with things as simple as a shaped charge
>he denies it over and over until I send him a fucking video, he denies the wiki and everything
>starts raising his voice and shouting over me when I try to talk
Pseuds are the worst august in any "fandom"

>And F3 is one of the worst games I've played in my life.

Really? Is your mindset really this binary? There are literal gacha games, mobile P2Ws, garbage like TOR and Andromeda and Neptunia. I guess it is a common symptom of asperger's syndrome to view things as dichotomous (either great or shit), but try to have some nuance.

Those series weren't bastardized by Todd.

I think this is what annoys me most about them. They're talking about games which had "Knights of Ni" references in them and were dripping with edge, and then the criticism of Bethesda is that they "didn't respect the lore". As if Fallout 1 and 2 are Tolkien's Legendarium and not some shitty post-apocalyptic universe with 1950s kitsch tacked on.

It's pretty funny how many of you have such strong opinions for games that you've never played before.

Because NVfags act like faggots and pretend nuVegas is better despite being more shit.

>There are literal gacha games, mobile P2Ws, garbage like TOR and Andromeda and Neptunia
I never played any of this, how hard is it for you to understand, auspie?

Also, even TOR is probably better than F3.


I'm not the one getting my blood pressure raised about "respecting the lore" of a kitschy game with Monty Python references in it, lol.

Yeah, I love that era of WRPGs but for some reason I never really cared much for Fallout. I think you have to specifically be into the kind of universe/setting it presents to fully enjoy it. I'm more into fantasy and science fiction, so while I'd say they were good games, they never stuck with me in the same way Baldur's Gate or KOTOR did.

I'm reminded of an argument I saw on the bethesda forums way back after fallout 3 came out. Some 40 year old autist was using an analogy, calling fallout 1 and 2 his 'fireman husband' and black isle a building that was burning down that he went to save. "Not only did he not save it, he lost his friends in the fire."

That's when I decided the NMA crowd were subhuman and deserved 0 attention.

>20 replies
>11 posters
Someone is really mad here. I guess it's the angry zoomer, since he posted the same thread yesterday.

Fallout 1>Baldur's Cuck. However, the NMA gang which still permeates its virginal BO, is simply loaded with faggots. Fallout 3 is good.

FO1 chads are above this bickering, all others may proceed as they wish.

Why dont you actually play them without those youtube reviews and rpgcodex threads my guy.

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Don't pretend like you didn't get this opinion from Yas Forums

That would leave less time for shitposting

All the ones you listed are real-time trash, Fallout actually has a well crafted combat system

>lots of Monty Python references, fourth wall breaking "humor" and proto-meme'ing
Retard who hasn't played the games and thinks 1 is all the same garbage writing as 2
>Muh 50s Americana kitsch
That's nu-fallout, dipshit, the 50s stuff was more subtle in 1 and 2, bethesda are the ones that made it obnoxious as the series went on.
>Muh gritty porn shoot quests
I played 3, NV and 4 before the original Fallouts.
1 is the best game

A lot of them seriously believed back before F3's release that Pete Hines had hired people specifically to troll them on the NMA forum, it's hilarious how unhinged F1/2 fans are.

I've heard many times that the arcanum's gameplay is trash but holy fuck was it bad. it's like nobody at troika knew what their job was except the writing team.

There's some truth to this, a lot of the obnoxious shit associated with Fallout comes from 2.

Troika is like your favorite pizza company that always goes on bankrupt. they make really good "base" pizzas like pepperoni or cheese. but everything else on the menus are just convoluted mess.

Mostly because the original fans were jaded and resented Bethesda for what they've done to Fallout. The crowd you mention has pretty much moved on from Fallout anyways, its a dead series. Last good Fallout was NV.