What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Re2 prototype would have been such a SOUL game...
muh realism
I hate how they refused to make any costume accurate to the original game
i rather like that, imagine being a game dev and being asked to have 0 input of your own intro recreating something - little changes there and there are good for devs to flex their skills - i don't want to play the same re2 i played like 20 years ago as a ten year old
Nothing, that's a good outfit she has
The Classic outfit is the problem
Has anyone modded in a proper one yet?
I don'y care about the story and shit, I am talking about the costumes. The classic costumes are litterally called the classic costumes when you pre ordered them, yet they redesigned them. If they were canon to the story then the change is fine but they specifically said they are not canon
Yeah there's a pretty damn good one but I don't have the link. Nexusmods should have it
Yeah and it looks pretty good up until she gives her jacket to sherry
No, abortions don't have a soul yet.
For the little I know, all the characters that die in like 2 minutes would have stuck around with you in the original game.
Even the Chief of police wasn't a badguy.
isn't canon in RE a mess to begin with, like re1 and 2 have the same characters doing the same stuff and nothing ever really syncs up well - if anything the classic costumes were the perfect point to just do something similar but in the same style as the old outfits + you can still play with the old ps1 graphisc style in re2 remake and use mods on pc - devs did a really good job at updating but keeping the soul
they specifically said they included the classic costumes because of the fans, and they said the classic costumes are not canon to the remake they are there only for the fans
>they retain the soul
no they don't one of the first complaints was how they ruined claires classic costume so no its not just me being autistic. People were not happy with the classic costumes
Sorry but that's completely wrong and utter nonsense
The original 2 had the character in different places. Doing different things.
The new only puts them in different spots in the beginning and then everything else is exactly the same up until the ending.
but they still pick some some of the same items like keys and puzzle stuff, it makes some sense but not a lot
don't leon and claire share some puzzle items from re2 original? like some of the police station keys
"Wouldn't it be great if our character looked like a 3d pig?"
those complainers are just nitpicking, the new classic outfits were great!
everytime i see that fucking face lmao
I meant about the costumes and soul
ah okay, well fair point since it's subjective, good day user!
Okay but not really
Would it be weird if I just casually wore this in public to be cool looking?
Whatever facescanning tech Capcom has been using since RE7 is complete shit.
You'd get very sweaty.
Nothing, nu-Claire is hot and one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen.
Yes the synopsis is the same but most of the development is different.
Looks like any other slav meat I see every day around the block.
would be like my neighbor who rides her bike almost every day
The armor mechanics went to Dino Crisis 2 instead.
why do 3d faces have those disgusting pig noses?
not everyone wants to play as a polish potato head.