Hojo is nuts

>Everyone was embarrassed about Hojo trying to crossbreed Aerith and Red XIII in FF7
>Compilation tried to retcon it into him fusing them with some bullshit tech
>Remake instead says he'll get SOLDIER types to breed her
>Somehow these are better options

Was kinda funny how he taunted Aerith with lines about how neat it was for him to dissect her dead mother though. Creepy dance and all.

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When he learns Sephiroth is in the building he actually openly considers convincing him to fucking to it.

the villains in this game make me yawn. Hojo is shit but i almost fell asleep whenever Heidegger was on screen because he's so comically evil and boring

Why do you think they barely show up in the original? They're a short term driving force for the narrative.

He's less comically evil than in the original and more
regular evil? I guess?

Hojo will probably be the one to go off the rails the most after witnessing the spooky time ghost phenomena.

How much further off the rails can you go than
>lol I made myself a weird ayy lmao

I bet the remake will make him some even more bullshit Urotsukidōji looking mother fucker

Well SOLDIER member is a better option yes

he didn't seem like an intentionally evil guy. just super focused on his own data / science / experiments.

>Compilation tried to retcon it into him fusing them with some bullshit tech
you mean like in Crisis Core? bad translation is bad, OP. what do you think that big fusion chamber was for? was he going to breed Aerith and Nanaki right in front of the rest of the protags? You're fucking retarded if you ever thought that's how it was supposed to work.

Shigeru Chiba voicing him was great.

Original Hojo did pretty much nothing except make more dumb monsters offscreen.
New Hojo will figure out how to make his own fucking Script Spectres and push the plot in bullshit directions.

He was still going to breed XIII with Aerith in the remake, his cell is right underneath Aerith's cell just like in the original.

Except he specifically names S and G type soldiers to be used and never once mentions using XIII for that.

Why not? It's for SCIENCE!!!

>he didn't seem like an intentionally evil guy
>Kidnaps people including children and turns them into eldritch horrors
I'd say his disregard for life is what makes him intentionally evil.

Everyone was embarrassed about the SOLDIER breeding idea too.

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Which strikes me as funny because everyone else in that boardroom seems content with butt-fucking everything else conceptually.
>lol mass murder is okay but rape is too far
This fucking planet man


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will hojo be the final God/Boss instead of sephiroth this time?

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Isn't he just a scientist? not really much of a fighter.

Tell me user, do you like any of the villains?

>Would that make sense?
You poor fool. You have to think like a dumb guy that's trying to subvert expectations. Hojo was this twisted side villain in the original. Imagine how surprised you'll be if the plot flies off into fucking madness and Hojo is the true final boss!

The key to being unexpected while being a really bad writer is to do things that make very little sense. Hence the time ghosts.

He'll inject HIMSELF with weird, freakish Aerith/Red semen, transcending into Ultimate Hojo, the Creator and Destructor.

I don't think sephiroths god forms are related to his fighting level

He's like Rick Sanchez now. He can stop Red's attack with his plot armor. Yes Rick from Rick and Morty.

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>S and G type soldiers
Please tell me GENESIS isn't in this.

in the original he injected himself with some Jenova cells and became a 3 stage boss fight.

1st phase he turned green
2nd phase he looked like something from The Thing
3rd phase he looked like a Power Rangers Monster of the Week

No they only get mentioned. Story isn't over though so there is plenty of time to further ruin things. I bet they'll snake some Dirge plot in too

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