Every game should have Romance/ Marriage mechanics

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

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I agree

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You can't marry a ghost, user


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You can if you kill yourself

Just use time travel (which has been done multiple times in the Zelda series) to save her or get all three pieces of the Triforce to wish her back. Not that difficult, anons!

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CoomCooms get the whip.

This guy gets it!

Why Divine Beast Vah Ruta stop working at the end and why only Vah Ruta? How will this tie into the sequel?

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Mipha came back to life. And now she's going to marry link!


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What game has had romance that wasn't embarrassing or unfulfilling?

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>Mipha comes back to life in BOTW 2
>BOTW throws a curveball by allowing the player romance options
>Player gets to choose between Mipha and Zelda

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*>BOTW 2 throws a curveball by allowing the player romance options

Fire Emblem is cringe the series.

>posting best girl
>posting an argument that I strongly agree with
It's been awhile since I've seen an OP this based. I unironically hope there's a way to bring back the guardians in the upcoming sequel and a choice between tifa and aerith in part 2 or 3.

The other zelda game I wish had romance is awakening. Marin was too good to become a seagull

user, you have no idea how much i actually want this

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They're so cute together

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It warms my heart that so many of you agree with me

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Every game should have romance/marriage mechanics with non human races

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But what about THE TIMELINE?!!

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your waifu bullshit has degraded into coomber bullshit and tainted dozens of games. fuck off.

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BoTW is already so far ahead. over 10,000 years. I dont think that would affect much at all

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user I had hoped your tastes were better,
my mistake

But what if they want to make a game that takes place chronologically after, user?

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Well, I'm convinced.

Thank God none of you are game designers

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