ITT: The most disappointing games you've played

ITT: The most disappointing games you've played

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I would've said either Might Number 9 or Indivisible but my expectations for them plummeted heavily between the time I backed them and when they released.

Kingdom Hearts 3 looked so good, it really was a big disappointment, I Heard the DLC has cool superbosses, which is my favorite part of KH2, so maybe I will buy it.

KH2 was peak disappointment for me. Glad I stopped caring about the series after that Nomura disaster.

Mass Effect 2

Not for full price I hope.

Any games you don't regret backing?

those were the only two i backed. i never want to back again.

If you've played any KH since Re:CoM I don't see how you couldn't have expected yet another garbage game.

It was somehow worse than I anticipated. It didn't even reach a conclusion, it just had to have a massive cliffhanger at the end

You posted it. Kingdom Hearts 2 should've been the end of the series.

Because it was the first full console release since 2 and not another handheld piece of crap.

you just posted it
>develop lore for several years
>spend 95% of the game that is supposed to be the climax on disney ads
>throw all the good and bad guys in a boss rush waiting in line for their forced ending

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Gameplay wise it's okay but the writing had zero chance of ever being good after the shit they set up in BBS and DDD

No, all they had to do was get literally anyone but Nomura writing it. Leave that retard as a director/artist, he's better at judging others' work than making his own.

kh3 was pretty good
you're retarded if you were expecting another 2 after playing all the games made after it, and you're retarded if you were expecting the story to make any sense
3 has the best worlds to explore

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lmfao dont let him direct anything ever
The only good thing about KH3 was exploration because the worlds were huge. Combat was okay. Everything else was garbo, even the music was forgettable
Only played HR and liked it. What's wrong with Mankind Divided?

Idiots actually thought V had any chance of being good after this disaster

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But the story does make perfect sense if you've played all the games.
It's fine to think it's dumb but that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense, just play all the games.

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I was on board for the retarded story, it’s just how poorly it was handled
Literally nothing happened until the end. And before you say every game is like that, at least between worlds we’d get story progression, and a nice midpoint like Hallow Bastion in KH2. I can’t even remember what the between worlds story was, just Zexion trying to get replicas the whole time? Kairi and Axel doing nothing in the hyperbolic time chamber?

Nigger who do you think directed 1 and 2? The problem started when he started doing shit like writing by himself instead of just judging the quality of others, with someone else handling that they can refine his retarded ideas into something of actual quality.

>3 has the best worlds to explore
>The only good thing about KH3 was exploration because the worlds were huge
What are you faggots smoking? 3's worlds are either long hallways or giant empty rooms.

I hated all of the worlds where you basically follow the plot of a disney movie but I really liked Corona's overworld music
I hope Disney has less control next game(s)

>good music
>good art direction
>ruined by god awful bullshit bosses

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I don't mind it being all over the place, my problem with it is that they revived every character to force a happy ending on them, it's fanfic tier and it makes everything seems meaningless
if the worlds are great and the combat is decent you can't say the game is bad

>>What's wrong with Mankind Divided?
>Prague is the only hub
>Less interesting story than HR or the original
>Mission was cut from the game as a preorder bonus
>Story ends abruptly on a cliffhanger
>Buggy as shit on release

Play more games if this is your most disappointing

>god awful bullshit bosses

Smash 4 and Ultimate. Especially the former.

Got a free copy of KH3 and i still refuse force myself to play it to the end. I.actually loved KH2 back on the ps2

I blame Disney for everything wrong with 3. People can cry about nomura's story all they want, but it's not what was wrong with 3. The problem with 3 was how poorly connected the disney worlds were to the story. compare to 1 where the disney villains were active parts of the crazy shit going down and it's night and day. Like nothing in 3 is as good as stuff like Jafar talking about what he's doing with Maleficient or Hook taunting Sora about Riku.

Just get this one out of the way

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>Dishonored 3
>RE3 remake
>Dead Space 3
>Dark Souls 3
>Bioshock Infinite
>Smash Ultimate

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Why were you ever hyped for this tho?

Haven't played Ultimate but 4 got worse for me the more i played it. The pacing of matches is really slow compared to Melee. I can end a 4 stock in Melee faster than a 2 stock in 4 a lot of the time.

1 and 2 aren't directed too well either. People often just stand around in cutscenes and dialogue tends to be robotic. There are times when people are talking and there's no music or anything and with the long pauses between speech or actions it all ends up being very awkward to view. KH1 benefits from its simplicity and is definitely directed the best in the series and KH2 is already starting to fall apart a bit. Everything after is horrible in terms of story and direction.
I liked the levels. Movement in them is fun tbqh. KH2 is made up of hallways as well. Disney definitely had their jew claws on the game considering we never got to explore older worlds (Disney shilling their new stuff) and the worlds weren't integrated into the KH universe well.
>you can't say the game is bad
The thread is about the most disappointing games user. KH3 is by far the most disappointing game I've ever played.

this series only has 2 decent games. KH 1 and 2. That's it. And in retrospective they aren't even that great either.

Levels are good, but bosses are just infuriating and put everything to a standstill. The one casino boss that's on the infinite road that launches rockets at you is the worst example. You have to have pin precise jumps to narrowly avoid those missiles and if you miss a few times sorry fucko, do the acts all over again