Comfy strategy, RTS, and city builder thread

Comfy strategy, RTS, and city builder thread.

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i still miss it bros

it should had a sequel but the company who created it went into the mobile market

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That has to be the ugliest castle design I've ever fucking seen. What the fuck?

Endless Space 2 or Stellaris?

It kinda reminds me of star/bastion forts


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I'm not touching Stellaris again until they release DLC that completely renovates the hive mind.

Well obviously that is what it was supposed to emulate but my god is it hideous AND nonsensical. Entirely different century, entirely different type of warfare, entirely wrong materials, and entirely wrong construction. It's like whowever build that has never seen an actual medieval castle in their life, and thinks Bastion forts were a medieval thing.

Not worthy Minas Tirith name, but still cool.

C-can Kenshi come over?

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That castle won't make it past the hardest difficulty.

Damn, really?

What's the appeal of this game? Is there some end goal or is it just a sandbox experience?

damn, that looks dope

I'd say Kenshi belongs here

Sandbox experience. It's a completely unique game. Imagine an RTS game that's also an RPG game and also a sandbox city building and trading game that's also set on an entire seamless continent that's fuckhuge.

It's unfinished sandbox jank that got popular with meme shills on youtube.

I've been playing ALOT of Kohan Ahrimans Gift lately. fuck its fun, getting a decked out elite company with an ascended hero and wrecking shit is great. AI has such an unfair advantage being able to manage all their cities and troops at once though, as a human player though its completely overwhelming.

>Imagine an RTS game that's also an RPG game and also a sandbox city building and trading game
I imagine it's a complete mess. it sure looks like one.

RoL rerelease when

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The latter.

It's appealing to me because of how much of a slow burn it is, it takes a long, long time to turn your characters into powerful warriors. I also love how it combines many of my favorite genres together in an interesting way, and it also allows you to play in a wide variety of different ways precisely because of its lack of an end goal. Be a trader, thief, warrior, go solo or recruit an army, build an outpost to produce your own resources or just take them from others with your roving warband. Get your limbs ripped off and replace them with kickass robot prosthetics.

To be fair, the game is janky as fuck, but it's extremely mod friendly and there's tons of awesome mods.

Kohan is fucking dope, I love how the squads and formations work.

Kenshi is not RTS. fuck off

I mean, it's the first of its kind and a labor of love, and EXTREMELY ambitious. For what it is I'm actually shocked at how stable it is lol.

>I've been playing ALOT of Kohan Ahrimans Gift lately. fuck its fun,
I'm stunned.
You are literally the first person I've seen mention this fucking game other than me.
Even as obscure titles as Original War have greater awareness here than Kohan 1.

Which is a shame because Kohan 1 is among my absolute all-time favorite RTS, it's a CRIMINALLY underappareciate title.

Shame they fucking ruined it with Kohan 2, and then the franchise died all together. Such a damn shame.
Kohan 1 really deserves an update. It has many great ideas, but god knows some elements could have been massively improved upon.
But we will never see that, because Kohan 2 wanted to be Warcraft 3 so desperately.

>What are bastion forts

Endless space 1 and Master of orion 2016 with mods that fix the game

Even if you have an army of dudes?

2.5D is based

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I mean, you can play it like one. And OP also said base building, and Kenshi features that as well.

>sell all that stone
>buy crossbows and leather armor
>win the game

See: you moron.

my man

my brother bought Ahrimans Gift out of a bargain bin aeons ago and it's been one of my favorite games ever since.

i didnt hate Kohan 2, but once i beat the campaign and a few custom games i just went back to the old games.