Dude with powers in a city thread:

In this thread we discuss games from the "dude with powers in a city" genre.

Played infamous second son after sitting forever in my ps+ library and it was pretty fun, so i got prototype 1 and 2 and the first game is also pretty fun even if the visuals are a tad dated.

What other "dude with powers in a city" games should I try? I am loving this shit.

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Ultimate Spider-Man (the gen 6 game) and PS4 Spider-Man. Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, since it's the precursor to Prototype. Never cared for inFamous, it always felt like shitty Spider-Man with TPS gameplay bolted on.

Is the new spider man game any good?

Not quite what you're looking for, but Batman Arkham Asylum and Xenoblade X are good games on the fringes of that idea. Bamham is a gadget man in a confined facility working his way around, Xenoblade is JRPG fags going hog wild in a big sandbox.

That's what I meant by PS4 Spider-Man.
I feel like it's a great Spider-Man sandbox. The story is pretty fucking balls and a lot of the story missions are trash or weirdly unlike the rest of the game, but it hits a good balance of "content, but not too much content." Best experienced on easy mode because Peter's moveset is fun but the enemies are a bore. We swinging isn't as good as SM2/USM, but it's designed to not get in the way too much. It's worth playing imo, just not as good as it could have been.

I did play the batman games but only the last one really felt like a dude in a city with powers game. The other ones are a tad too contained area wise

Fair enough. City and Knight are sloppy ass games, but I'll admit Asylum is a bit out of the scope of what you were asking for.

Maybe old GTA games with cheat codes? There's not many games based on just being an unstoppable force in a large area.

Destroy all humans.

I have no clue how good the remake is though.

If you still have PS3 you can play Infamous 1 and 2+DLC. In my opinion Infamous 1 was worse than Prototype but it's still a good game. Infamous 2 though, that blows Infamous 1 out of the water.

Game's only fun with cheats on.
The Saboteur is Pandemic's best game.

You should try Magic City Man, it's an underrated gem

It's trash. The Amazing Spiderman movie games were more fun.

>The Amazing Spiderman movie games were more fun.
I can't disagree more. They were even more derivative and had even less to offer. Sony SM is a bore if you don't skip the movie clumsily shoved into it, but if you do it's a nice time.

>Prototype 3 is nothing but rotten corpse
>Prototype 2 and the interquel comic ruines Alex Mercer characterization
I'm still mad

Saints Row 4
Infamous 2 not being rereleased on PS4 is a fucking shame

But is the saboteur a dude with powers in a city game? It just looks like a regular dude in a city game.

>But is the saboteur a dude with powers in a city game?

Saints row 4?

Maybe Watch Dogs 2? You can basically play the game as a hacker god that remotely crushes people under barrels using a forklift

Gat out of hell too.

>DUDE, REMEMBER THE MC OF THE FIRST GAME AND HOW COOL HE WAS? Well now you have to kill him in the sequel, isn’t that cool?

it feeding seeds

Finished prototype 1 + 2 back to back this weekend, and I can't honestly say whether i liked them or not. They have a weird mix of polish and jank.
i liked the second game better

I hope like only the gameplay, the story is atrocious

Yeah prototype is a tad janky but it was released like 16+5 years ago so it gets a pass.

The cringe edgelord annoying faggot? That's the reason I played 2. I quit the first because I couldn't take any more of that insufferable cunt.

anyone else felt second son was dumbed down and super gimicky?
like at the time it was the best looking game i played
but the movement mechanics felt too free and made the late game stale af

The plot of p2 was nothing to write home about, but story/characters were more fleshed out than p1. It was a bold moce to antagonize mercer, and i understand people not liking it. But for me it was ok, and made some sense.
P1 and 2 feel vastly different in gameplay and story, so i wouldn't feel like one game tainted the other.

second games story was pish but the gameplay was much better. I liked having the three "zones". The heavy military one, the normal civilian one then the virus zone.
I feel like its because having three powers that had to be viable on their own made it a bit more bland than InFamous 2. There was also fuck all to do post-game.

Yeah, i was fine with that. P2 polished many aspects, which in return reduced the difficulty significantly.
I liked the challenge of p1, but not that my worst enemy was the game/the controls itself.

The story of p2 seems to be quite polarizing.
Most of the game, i felt like they tried to up the edginess. The constant cursing seemed weird. But to be honest, in the final fight, after managing a heavy attack against mercer and having 50cent calling him an "emo fuck", was sort of satisfying.

Funny, iirc infamous 1 was more successful than p1, despite p1 having the edge on abilities and some polish.
But the amounts of improvements in infamous 2 blasted p2 completely out of the collective consciousness. I don't know many people that know p2 even exists.
Weird though that those got hd ports but infamous hasn't.
I want to go back to the world of infamous 2 ;_;

This game was fucking bonkers.

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Is second son worth paying? I found the story and characters insufferable and quit in the beginning. Should i stick with it, or move to last light?

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both are good and later in the game you get 3 more powers, including the powers from last light.

the beginning is kind of ass but it gets a little better later

that's because the devs completely gave up on infamous and are now working on that ghost of ishimura game.

Would crackdown be considered a dude with powers in a city game?
i don't think those are actual super powers but having technology that gives you inhuman abilities may be considered powers.

Listen dude. I know you are angry at Sony for some retarded reason but that is no reason to go around having completely terrible opinions like that.

>But for me it was ok, and made some sense
It doesn't make sense if you look at the context of Mercer's ability

You don't think running faster than most of the vehicles and jumping 50 feet in the air is a power?