JRPG thread. SMTV when?

JRPG thread. SMTV when?

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what the FUCK was up with LAchesis's voice in this game?! She sounds like a deeper Dr. Girlfriend

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never ever

Okay. I need to stop playing WoW and play a JRPG.

Recommendations? I'm not looking for action/hack-n-slash JRPGs either.

Looking for classic, turn-based, menu-combat JRPG.

JRPGs I've played:
Final Fantasy 2 (4), 3 (6), and X
Super Mario RPG
Every gen of Pokemon

Loved all of them. I know I am SUPER behind on JRPGs, so recommend away, Yas Forums.

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breath of fire, the first 4 are really good

EO VI when?

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Dragon Quest III or V

You can't get anymore classic than Dtagon Quest.
I recommend playing IV/V if you want a 2d classic jrpg or VIII/XI if you want a 3d experience.
V and XI are better 2d and 3d DQs than IV and VIII, but V is a sequel to IV and XI is an aniversary game that has a fuckton of nods and references to older games.
Both V and XI.are very selfcontained, but you might get more out of it if you played some of the rest first.
But both V and XI are excellent starting pints though.

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>playing FF2 on the psp while in the living room with family
>playing FF9 and Saga Scarlet Grace on the pc
Am I the only weirdo doing this?


Final Fantasy 9

>inb4 Xenofags take over yet another thread

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>playing FF2 on the psp while in the living room with family

Sounds comfy, user! Is this your family (parents & siblings) of your family (wife & kids)? Only time I experienced the former was when I was a kid and was playing GameBoy Color around my parents.

SMT Nocturne

Unironically persona 3,4,5 and don't listen to the fucking jaded smt purists

Parents and siblings. I feel bad if I end up using the computer all day

Ignore the personafag, play Devil Survivor 1

Ignore both these guys. Play every SMT AND Persona.


Yes. I recently took the franchisepill and it's been great discovering all these games I didn't even know existed like Last Bible and Majin Tensei even if they aren't all winners.

I really should go back to Scarlet Grace on PC, but Monster Hunter is constantly distracting me from clocking more hours.
The SaGa Frontier remake can't come soon enough.

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me in the top left

That's cool that you get to do that and also very wholesome.

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It's time for a JRPG Lockdown thread chart.
Who's gonna do it?
Or at least make a list and I'll scavenge the threads and write the flavor text for each one.

I wanted to like Scarlet Grace more. I dunno. I might get back to it at some point but I felt the game was too vague. I've played a lot of the open ended SaGa games and in those games I always felt like I knew what to do next. Where as Scarlet, I felt like I had a difficult time trying to trigger events or what to do.

Is this /jrpg/?

No this is the SMT thread.

>I might get back to it at some point but I felt the game was too vague
>Too vague
>When it always tells you where to go next and also has a journal unlike all the others
Maybe you just need to pay more attention, you can't get more handholdy than that.

you should look on archive b4k, you may find some stuff to make your list.


Not even, look at the Yas Forums archive here. We've had like 4 JRPG threads in the last 36 hours. I'm not complaining, they've all been wonderful. It's just that so much info and recommendations have been flying around I'm personally not sure which game to start.

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God pleeease Sega! I want a Skies of Arcadia sequel so bad! Imagine if they actually addressed the Black moon!

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no, there's no discord link in the OP.

just look for subject put "jrpg thread" or "jrpg lockdown" in subject or OP post.