Smash Ultimate Hate Thread

While the burgers are still asleep, let's have another discussion as to why SSBU is now just the worst Smash game, but one of the worst fighting games in recent history, shall we?

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C'mon, people!

Look dude, I made that thread yesterday but I'm like 90% sure you're the same nigga who kept using the terms "Sonic '06" and "Ultshit".
I hate this fucking game but you were shitting up the thread replying to yourself and saying the same shit over and over.

Seething also it's 11am already in the east coast you stupid europoor

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The game actually is worse than Sonic 06 though. See

Aaaaaaand the burgers are already shitting up the thread. It's been real, foks.

See? You're doing it again. Yesterday's thread was great, then I went to sleep and woke up to a shit ton of replies you made going in circles.

>15.5+ million flies eating shit can't be wrong!!!

So is this supposed to be a thread to just vent how you think it's shit or actual discussion?

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You are literally retarded. The combat is perfectly fine. It's fucking smash, the mechanics are basically the same since n64 smash, they just change some specifics like speed, dammage rate, hitboxes... All fighting games do that

Yeah sf fans like to eat shit as they buy 60 usd games with few characters and than buy it again with more characters

Anyways, the points some anons and I made are all in the thread this retard made. After the Geno giving the thumbs up it goes to shit, with this cunt replying to himself and others.
Shit like this is why I wish Yas Forums had the poster ID like in /soc/ and other boards.

Autism. Sounds like it's just some user displaying intense autism.

Hackurai is one of if not the worst person working in vidya today
Literally everything about the gameplay and roster is dogshit
The new ARMS character (from a game literally everyone on Yas Forums hated no less!) is gonna be a Little Mac clone
The game isn't even fun offline. Anyone who thinks this game is good in any capacity belongs in a mental hospital and we all know it.

It's a bit of both. It's payback for all the years we've been silenced by ultizoomers. Some of them tried to shit up the last thread to no avail.

You are a europoor who never owned a single nintendo console and you are just larping about owning a switch and shitposting dude.

*Are all in the thread this retard linked
Sorry 'bout that.

You've been a great help in the fight against the Ultimate stans, don't sweat it.

Game hasn't even been out for a year and a half, and if anything the arms character will probably be more like Byleth or Belmonts being range demons.


Bullshit, it's gonna be Little Mac with stretchy arms because that's all Hackurai is capable of.

Is this the same lolcow that spams the IV vs. V threads?

Haha, thanks for that bro.

What was the last Little Mac type character after Little Mac himself?

Are Europoors really this desperate for attention?

Go spend time with your family, you don't have long before Muhammad executes them anyway.

There are literally two Marth clones and one Ryu clone in the first Fighters pass alone, and the rest are wither broken or play like dogshit.

Your have such a raging hate boner, holy fuck.

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>24 replies
>9 posters

Okay, but why Little Mac and not the ones I mentioned?

Hoes Mad, Hoes Mad

I'm back

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Oh hi shill

I’m that poster, that’s not what I said. Ultimate is the superior game, it just has less heart behind it, which is why I said it’s not like 06.


Why hate games when you could play ones you enjoy instead, faggot?

he's mad

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Are you asking him or Yas Forums in general?