FF7R (objectively correct) review

Just finished getting the platinum trophy, so I’ve seen all the game has to offer. I went in with an open mind with the idea that they could definitely create a full game’s worth of interesting content in Midgar, but that just wasn’t the case. The game starts out really well with the first bombing mission and then a little bit of work in the slums, which is fine since Cloud lives there and he’s trying to make money. Then there’s an entirely original segment which gives characterization to Jessie, Bigs and Wedge, and that’s all exactly the kind of stuff people were hoping for with this game. Unfortunately, the good additions end there. The rest of the game length is generated through awful padding.
Side quests (with the exception of decent long running ones like the Slum Angel) are MMO-tier busy work that drag on and on, and the amount of slow AAA cinematic walking, balancing and shimmying sections is mind numbing. If you play through the game multiple times to do everything, it gets extra annoying. Wall Market is gorgeous when you get there, but then they make you run back and forth a million times long after you want to move on with the story and after you’ve explored everything for yourself. There’s literally a part where Cloud is about to go get Aeris, then he goes to Don’s place with Johnny, does nothing there, and then turns back around to go meet up with Aeris which is what he was doing in the first place. There’s a segment in the sewers where a retarded midget monster steals an item and you run in a giant circle chasing it that leads you back to where you started. Then there’s Houjou’s lab where he sits in an observation room being smug while he makes you fight monsters “to collect data” while you’re trying to enjoy the climax. The expansion of Midgar we were promised doesn’t exist. There isn’t a single part of the upper layer you can actually explore freely, and the “open” segment at the end is basically one long and straight path through the slums.

Attached: FF7plat.jpg (3840x2160, 2.15M)

The game does do some stuff well. The characterization and dialogue between them all are phenomenal, and easily the best part of the game. Most of the complaints I’ve seen regarding that stem from the shitty English translation, which isn’t a fault of the game itself. In moon, it’s all great. The translator (in keeping with tradition) sucked to the point that he even translated the evade materia wrong as parry. I really don’t know how the fuck he came up with that. The ethics department changes suck, and Tifa and Cloud are twigs, but other than that the designs are all nice as well. Nice character designs and models aside, the environments are a fucking joke. The textures and pop-in are actually worse than the threads make them out to be. There are times where I’ll stare at a sign for 5 or 6 seconds wondering what the hell it says until I realize it just hasn’t loaded in yet. There were cardboard boxes on the ground next to me, and then after a while I realized they were actually wooden boxes that were still loading textures.
The other big issue with the presentation is Nomura’s boner for flashy KH endgame style fights. In the original game when you had a low poly model on a static hand drawn background you didn’t think much of it, but now there’s so much of it that doesn’t make sense. Cloud will jump 30 feet in the air between motorcycles, or carry two children in his arms while leaping 15 feet across and 7 feet upwards, but then a small pile of rubble or a fence stops him from moving, or he has to have Red XIII jump across a gap for him for gameplay purposes. It’s both jarring and lame. That flashy presentation is also what leads to stuff like webm related where you can be attacking a boss and they’ll just stop taking damage because it’s cutscene time, and you lose any gauges or damage you had.

Attached: FF7_3.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

I appreciate your effort posting this but people are still gona call you a hater or a shitposter, even though you make some fair points.

That leads into the biggest part of the game besides the story: The gameplay. At first it’s phenomenal and feels like the best real time combat they’ve made since KH2, but after you play through it on hard mode and fight the superbosses, the cracks in the system become apparent. They try to keep it like a turn based game with unavoidable attacks and damage, whereas an action game would have some sort of player based input that determined how much damage you took entirely. Unlike a turn based game, however, you can’t spec out your characters to be invincible killing machines, or even to survive more than a few hits on hard mode. There are no i-frames on dodging, and the base dodge roll is completely useless. It literally has no utility. Using evade material (especially on Tifa) makes it pretty good, but there are still a lot of unblockable homing attacks or AoEs. There’s no perfect parry system or anything, either. Any real time action game where you can’t hitstun enemies (without a big special move) and they can make you flinch or send you flying with any little tap is pretty shitty, and it’s made worse when the difficulty (read: tedium) of the combat is all from annoying attacks that stun you and take player control away for a while.
Webm related was on my hard mode run towards the end of the game. I had to pause it to laugh. Shit like that happens all the time. Enemies will throw stun moves everywhere and knock you out of whatever you’re doing, spells or limits will be interrupted AFTER you lose ATB/MP/limit gauge but won’t go off, or spells will miss because blizzard and aero have awful delays and tracking, and there are lots of airborne enemies that move around a lot that are only weak to those two. Then you have shit like Hellhouse that’s invincible for most of the fight and has 3 scene changes, or Leviathan that flies for half the fight, or Bahamut that has a damaging aura and just rushes you down constantly.

Attached: FF7_1.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

You have to be careful. You can't criticize this game or it'll challenge people's worldview and cause them to spiral into depression.

ah this is the retard that says that there are two tifa models """according to datamining"""
*hides thread*

Why do people claim this game is hard? Here is a picture of me platinuming the game in nine days.

Overall, the skeleton of the combat system is fantastic, but the implementation and the balancing suck. That’s not a surprise given that Nomura’s current team made KH3. The next FF7 game might have great combat, but they need to make a lot of tweaks. Party members need some sort of gambit system. Aeris is ranged entirely, and if you have her throw down a magic circle, she’ll run outside of it and then just start attacking the enemy from mid-close range, which is retarded. To compensate, enemy AI focuses on the player controlled character, so the game turns into swapping between them rapidly to kind of pull the enemy’s attention in a triangle between them all while you issue commands to the other 2 and then block/use Cloud’s counter parry with the main one so you can chip away at an HP bloated boss and hope that they don’t decide to cutscene right when you start unloading your strongest moves.
The lack of a jump button is pretty bad as well. KH1 (and only 1) did platforming really well, and you could even come back later to old areas with new abilities to breeze through them. It doesn’t make sense how the same guy directed both games. In FF7R, you run down hallways and then shimmy/monkey-bar/balance-beam slowly through levels. The lack of jumping also affects the (lack of) air combat, which sucks because there are a lot of airborne enemies. All you have is one kind of shitty magnet type air combo for Cloud and Tifa, otherwise you have to use your precious MP for spells and hope you don’t get hit or whiff. Early on the combat is super fun, but once you push it to its limits on hard mode you see the problems constantly. I hope they build upon it for the next one, but I’m not holding my breath.

Not reading your blog

You must be a retard if you think anyone's going to read all that

are you the same guy as the Bloodborne platinum trophy doom poster? Holy shit!


Shit thread lmao the combats dope and you thinking it needs parry and shit when its not some fucking platinum game lmao

Last thing is the story, but that’s been beaten to death already. Nomura is insane and wants to make the Versus XIII extended multiverse, themes are dead, everyone lives, and the story is super black and white in all regards. Good guys never kill anyone ever, everything is an end of the world type fighting fate scenario from the start, etc. Yeah, I smiled when Zack survived and said “I won? For real?” because I like him, but there’s not much to say to defend the story. They’re just going for cheap pandering and banking on nostalgia and character fans. People that think plot pockets and rewrites are good because “it keeps me entertained if I don’t know what to expect” are literal retards, and there’s no point in listening to what they say.
Overall, the game is severely lacking in real content (Red XIII being a special assist is a fucking joke) and the amount of good content added is miniscule. The broken up release is just to jew people out of money because SE is too lazy and incompetent to make a good game. Also, fuck zoomers and their e-celebs.

What in the absolute fuck are you talking about?

No, that guy is retarded. BB is great.

Very reasonable
Don't forget how retarded the ending is

I didn't even play the game and yet somehow I knew about every single thing you mentioned in your light novel.

Attached: 1499393418016.jpg (439x222, 11.69K)

Opinion discarded


Why do idiots type like this?

This a pretty damn interesting in depth look user. Personally i agree with pretty much everything, but let's be honest, how hopefull are you that they correct anything in the sequel?

ADHD smartphone kiddies detected

>Don't forget how retarded the ending is
Don't worry, I didn't.

I don't give a shit what a bunch of Japanese guys who can't in2 English think the correct Engrish for エアリス is.


Seething purist lmao

>the broken up release
You missed a major thing: there is no broken up release. FF7R is self-contained and ends with the cast sacrificing their lives to destroy the time ghosts. Cloud gets sent to the beginning of the multiverse.

The party leaving Midgar is from another timeline the player had no part in, same as the Zach scenes.

High IQ posters and definitely not shills.

what level did you fight Leviathan? im level 29 and getting one shot by tidal wave

Put magnify-manawall and pray on barret

36. How did you manage to fight him at such a low level?

>the sequel
>he doesn't know

Attached: tenor (3).gif (220x220, 50.64K)

I never played any FF games except for dissidia on psp. Should I get this game or not?

fuck i forgot about the AoE spell materia
idk i just got out of aeriths house and handed in my intels and it popped up

>but let's be honest, how hopefull are you that they correct anything in the sequel?
After KH3, the KH3 DLC, and FF7R? Somewhere between 0 and 0.1%.

On normal mode? I beat him with just Cloud and Aeris as soon as he was available to me. He wasn't bad, just use wall.

what do you mean? what should i know?

Yes, it's goty

based effort poster

thism makes me think that timed exclusives are just for echo chambering the final score if this was multiplat it would have been slammed far more but after pc release nobody cares about the truth anymore.


didnt mention all the shamelesly copy pasted rooms and coridors everywhere in the dungeons

I'm not into turn based games and never bothered completing one, is there an easy mode for this game? I just want to grasp the basics this genre then I'll do hard mode if there is a new game+.

how can streched 1/4 of a game be goty.

>people responding seriously are actually talking about the game and specific things brought up
>people claiming the game is good are all making retarded shitposts

He's full of shit.

k cool

>*hides thread*
You need to go back

>platinum a game
>"I didn't like it!"

Why do people think that their time has no value?

i dont think nu SE games have nothing to do with turn based, just keep pushing one buton and you will beat the game. SE dont know how to do proper combat anymore.

its ocd autism