

Attached: paytowin.jpg (760x596, 304.27K)

>non-sexual oglaf

what is this

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This is 4channel.


Attached: noregrets.jpg (760x596, 187.45K)

these are so lame

Sorry, if you think about this is one is kinda like JEWS

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YOU'RE lame

they're usually thinly-veiled porn

>He forgot about the minoutaur labyrinth maker

you guys wanna do another one of these?

Attached: LOL.jpg (1200x880, 333.68K)

don't act like Oglaf's best aren't non-sexual.
>The Fountain of Doubt

Attached: enlist.jpg (760x596, 224.92K)

I'm not a racist, but I would mercilessly fuck the black girls this artist draws.

>don't act like Oglaf's best aren't non-sexual.

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Attached: Fountain_of_Doubt.jpg (760x596, 311.56K)

heh, badguys, amirite

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I don't get it.

This is very insulting to the American armed forces


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Bards are the least interesting part of fantasy settings.

what is joke? is joke that train is drawn exceptionally bad?

what do we care, we're assholes.

its an edit, in the original it shows the id and she used to be a dude

Think about the most oppessed group on current society.
Now think of all the rightts they don't have.

oh it's trannoid shit that explains it

This one is just so good.

Its the free market at work.

Attached: ue391Xj2x-VjjIz2wSzmsBdzae3HnPAkGA56wuZ6qwc.png (599x301, 33.63K)

I love these kinds of edits

Why specifically the American armed forces



Attached: streetfighter.jpg (1280x1980, 1.77M)

based Raj

They are the ones where society hypes them up to be demigods and then shits on them with support the second your tour of duty is up. Burgers are just uncaring people and their military is the best example of it.
